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Hello.The question is related to adding S3-compatible object storage. Company-developed proprietary BLOB stores in ceph have their own implementation of the S3 surface. When adding S3, you can select a bucket, but when you select folders inside the bucket or when creating a new STORAGEClass error, the storage class uses erasure code.
The question is what storageclass does veeam12 use?! since it worked on version veeam 10.How can I see through the logs which storageclass is trying to connect to the storage?



That’s a good question ​@lex , and not sure if anyone here can answer. Your best bet imo is to go ping Veeam Product Managers directly on the Veeam Forums. No doubt they can answer your question.


Veeam supports a variety of storage classes across different object storage providers. You may want to look out for some limitations and compatibility here since VBR supports specific storage classes only:

Unfortunately, I have no environment and cannot look this up for you to locate the logs correctly. You may want to search the job-related logs for the terms “S3, StorageClass, and Bucket” etc. Here is a link to managing logs:

You may also need to generate detailed insights as discussed here: If you require additional assistance, you may reach out to  Veeam Support or the community forum as mentioned by ​@coolsport00


Hello. Answer on the forum.

S3-compatible object storage - R&D Forums


Thanks for sharing the post ​@lex 
