One year of Community Hub – What does that mean to you?

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I wanted to ask this question earlier, sorry :grin: . We celebrated the first year of our community. I wonder what means this community to you? What drives you to add content, write comments or just read what’s published?

I start with it: When I first read about this new Community Hub, I though this would be just another community platform, like many others. But I registered and began to add posts. And of course I learned a lot from other posts. Because it seemed to be normal in here, I also added lot of comments and questions to posts. For me the start of the Hub was at the perfect time. Subconsciously I was searching for a new focus topic. I did a lot of Veeam stuff before but rather incidentally. With the Hub the theme slipped into the center. What keeps me motivated is mainly the great feedback! At my own blog I just see the number of views as in indicator how popular a post is. Here I get great feedback from peers. That means a lot to me! It is also awesome to see how @Kseniya  and @Rick Vanover  are driving this community. They keep the motivation high. For example by running the weekly recaps. Great work!

What about you?


Userlevel 7
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Great post, @vNote42 

For me it‘s helping the community and learning from others, which gets me every day to login to this great community. There really interesting blogs to read from you guys 👍 Sharing our knowledge with the community and getting a good Feedback if the solution has worked keeps me motivated. 

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Hasn’t been a full year for me yet but seeing the interaction and helping the community is the best part.

Also seeing all the blog posts and contributing as well.

Userlevel 7
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For me the interaction with people interested in backup and storage all over the world is the motivation to be part of this community.

Sharing my little bit of knowlegde and learning from the combind expertise of the other members is great.

All questions are answered by community members in very short time. In most cases the answers are with a lot of hands-on experience. So, the solutions are working and based on best practices.

I hope this community will grow and be active for many years.

Userlevel 7
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For me, it is simple! It is all about the community. I have got the hunger and passion to help resolve other people’s issues thereby making their lives and tasks easier. This was also one of the reasons why I created my blog.

Userlevel 7
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For me the interaction with people interested in backup and storage all over the world is the motivation to be part of this community.

Sharing my little bit of knowlegde and learning from the combind expertise of the other members is great.

All questions are answered by community members in very short time. In most cases the answers are with a lot of hands-on experience. So, the solutions are working and based on best practices.

I hope this community will grow and be active for many years.

I have got no IOTA of doubt about this, it will grow and be active for many years. We have got @Kseniya and @Rick Vanover on the wheel :laughing:

Userlevel 7
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Love this question @vNote42! I was talking about this recently, and whilst I could probably talk all day about this. I have some key points:


  • The community is focused on peer to peer discussion. The Veeam R&D forum has always been more about support or feature requests, where ultimately Veeam employees are the authority. What can someone like me offer to that conversation? Whereas the Veeam Community is, a community! People can share their posts/findings, ask questions, find user groups in their own language etc. That has always made the Veeam Community feel homely to me vs the R&D forum has always felt more like I’m raising a support case with Veeam. (I couldn’t imagine doing things like the Fun Friday posts on R&D)
  • The community gave me a platform to not just share my thoughts and findings, but hear back from the people that were also facing the same challenges as me, if they found a better way, they could tell me, if I helped them, they could tell me also!
  • The weekly recap, it’s such a great concept and I remember having such a grin on my face the first time I featured! I felt validated, that what I’d written wasn’t just something everyone else already knew and I was making a contribution to the community! And when I’m busy working on other bits or on holiday and I’ve not seen what’s going on, it’s a great way to ensure I’ve not missed out.

In essence, thank you @Kseniya & @Rick Vanover 🙂

Userlevel 7
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I registered early for this community (end of 2020), but I did nothing with it until the first legends were nominated. I already use almost everyday Veeam for years in my job, so having some experience in it and loving the product and company. My manager asked me at the beginning of this year what was my work-related goal on a long term. Being also a manager or something else? My answer : being one of the best technical Veeam engineers in my country :wink:, just having more and more experience and knowledge about backups and disaster recovery. He answered to me : well the best way to get a ‘famous’ name, is to blog. Well then it all started with this community. At first : it was nice to read very interesting posts of you guys. I started one day with a post and all of a sudden it was mentioned in the weekly recap :blush: by @Kseniya and @Rick Vanover . Then it really begun for me : oh, nice, my post was being appreciated. Until now I learned a lot from every post in this community and my posts are also being nominated frequently in the recap and some time ago I got also the title of being a Veeam Legend. How proud can I be? Very!!!! And also it feels like we are a family with the same ideas and goals, helping each other and are spread around the whole world. That’s a fantastic feeling. And on top : @Kseniya and @Rick Vanover , they really make it to this higher level, not available at any other vendor !!!!

I hope this community will last a long time and I will participate where I can.

Userlevel 7
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Love this question @vNote42! I was talking about this recently, and whilst I could probably talk all day about this. I have some key points:


  • The community is focused on peer to peer discussion. The Veeam R&D forum has always been more about support or feature requests, where ultimately Veeam employees are the authority. What can someone like me offer to that conversation? Whereas the Veeam Community is, a community! People can share their posts/findings, ask questions, find user groups in their own language etc. That has always made the Veeam Community feel homely to me vs the R&D forum has always felt more like I’m raising a support case with Veeam. (I couldn’t imagine doing things like the Fun Friday posts on R&D)
  • The community gave me a platform to not just share my thoughts and findings, but hear back from the people that were also facing the same challenges as me, if they found a better way, they could tell me, if I helped them, they could tell me also!
  • The weekly recap, it’s such a great concept and I remember having such a grin on my face the first time I featured! I felt validated, that what I’d written wasn’t just something everyone else already knew and I was making a contribution to the community! And when I’m busy working on other bits or on holiday and I’ve not seen what’s going on, it’s a great way to ensure I’ve not missed out.

In essence, thank you @Kseniya & @Rick Vanover 🙂

I know what you mean! I was open-mouthed when I saw Kseniya and Rick talking my post the first time. I am still happy about every mention!

Userlevel 7
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This is a great post, @vNote42

Thank you all for sharing your feedback and what Community Hub means to you :green_heart: This is highly appreciated! And this means a lot to us. 


We want to do more, so please, keep the feedback coming! :blush:


Userlevel 7
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I registered early for this community (end of 2020), but I did nothing with it until the first legends were nominated. I already use almost everyday Veeam for years in my job, so having some experience in it and loving the product and company. My manager asked me at the beginning of this year what was my work-related goal on a long term. Being also a manager or something else? My answer : being one of the best technical Veeam engineers in my country :wink:, just having more and more experience and knowledge about backups and disaster recovery. He answered to me : well the best way to get a ‘famous’ name, is to blog. Well then it all started with this community. At first : it was nice to read very interesting posts of you guys. I started one day with a post and all of a sudden it was mentioned in the weekly recap :blush: by @Kseniya and @Rick Vanover . Then it really begun for me : oh, nice, my post was being appreciated. Until now I learned a lot from every post in this community and my posts are also being nominated frequently in the recap and some time ago I got also the title of being a Veeam Legend. How proud can I be? Very!!!! And also it feels like we are a family with the same ideas and goals, helping each other and are spread around the whole world. That’s a fantastic feeling. And on top : @Kseniya and @Rick Vanover , they really make it to this higher level, not available at any other vendor !!!!

I hope this community will last a long time and I will participate where I can.

Have you already achieved your goal?

As far as I know there a some product manager from Belgium at Veeam.

Userlevel 7
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I registered early for this community (end of 2020), but I did nothing with it until the first legends were nominated. I already use almost everyday Veeam for years in my job, so having some experience in it and loving the product and company. My manager asked me at the beginning of this year what was my work-related goal on a long term. Being also a manager or something else? My answer : being one of the best technical Veeam engineers in my country :wink:, just having more and more experience and knowledge about backups and disaster recovery. He answered to me : well the best way to get a ‘famous’ name, is to blog. Well then it all started with this community. At first : it was nice to read very interesting posts of you guys. I started one day with a post and all of a sudden it was mentioned in the weekly recap :blush: by @Kseniya and @Rick Vanover . Then it really begun for me : oh, nice, my post was being appreciated. Until now I learned a lot from every post in this community and my posts are also being nominated frequently in the recap and some time ago I got also the title of being a Veeam Legend. How proud can I be? Very!!!! And also it feels like we are a family with the same ideas and goals, helping each other and are spread around the whole world. That’s a fantastic feeling. And on top : @Kseniya and @Rick Vanover , they really make it to this higher level, not available at any other vendor !!!!

I hope this community will last a long time and I will participate where I can.

Have you already achieved your goal?

As far as I know there a some product manager from Belgium at Veeam.

@vNote42 : By Veeam engineer I meant not an employee of Veeam but as a consultant specialised in Veeam technology. It would be an honour working for Veeam, but at the moment I love being a consultant and implementing it a lot for customers. So achieved my goal : partly yes because I’m the only Veeam Legend in my country as you are in your country I think ;-), but as @Kseniya already mentioned somewhere : it’s a never-ending journey because you still learn every day and definitely from this community!

Userlevel 7
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For me it was two month where desire for new knowledge on veeam is literally exploded.

And, let me say this, full of awesome people. It’s always a pleasure to read you guys.

Userlevel 7
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@vNote42 : By Veeam engineer I meant not an employee of Veeam but as a consultant specialised in Veeam technology. It would be an honour working for Veeam, but at the moment I love being a consultant and implementing it a lot for customers. So achieved my goal : partly yes because I’m the only Veeam Legend in my country as you are in your country I think 😉, but as @Kseniya already mentioned somewhere : it’s a never-ending journey because you still learn every day and definitely from this community!

Sounds good! 

Actually I found out a few days ago, I am not the only Legend in Austria. @mcz is part of the group too!

Userlevel 7
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@vNote42 : Apart from what we got the technical skills and knowledge i think i connect with some of the awesome people here !

Userlevel 6
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It's Great post @vNote42 yes we share some new ideas and fun moments.


Userlevel 7
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For me the Veeam community is a very special place. I haven't seen another one which could be comparable to what we have here. It's a very friendly place where anyone can share his thoughts, knowledge or ask questions; and regardless of the time/day, posts do get answered very quickly. We even get that much new content that I often can't stay up-to-date, just like with your post @vNote42 which I've had bookmarked for too long 😁

Besides the technical part there's also much fun going on. And you get the chance to meat great people. 😊

And I always wanted to start a small blog myself, but, besides the lack of time, I also didn't want to manage the legal stuff (german laws 🙄). So the Veeam community was the ideal place to post some content from time to time. 

@Kseniya and @Rick Vanover have done a great work and are making all of this possible. 👏 I'm looking forward to the next years in the Veeam community.

Userlevel 7
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For me the Veeam community is a very special place. I haven't seen another one which could be comparable to what we have here. It's a very friendly place where anyone can share his thoughts, knowledge or ask questions; and regardless of the time/day, posts do get answered very quickly. We even get that much new content that I often can't stay up-to-date, just like with your post @vNote42 which I've had bookmarked for too long 😁

Besides the technical part there's also much fun going on. And you get the chance to meat great people. 😊

And I always wanted to start a small blog myself, but, besides the lack of time, I also didn't want to manage the legal stuff (german laws 🙄). So the Veeam community was the ideal place to post some content from time to time. 

@Kseniyaand @Rick Vanover have done a great work and are making all of this possible. 👏 I'm looking forward to the next years in the Veeam community.

Thanks for the feedback! I know what you mean! Still haven’t read some post ...
