
How to remove a restore point?

  • 28 December 2022

Userlevel 1

The restore point was created at 10/4, but the VIB file was remove from the disk already, on the resotre point portal, it still show normal status for this resotre point, so i cannot remove it. 


Also try to rescan bakcup repo, it say below:

added 0 unencrypted, added 0 encrypted, updated 0, removed 0, skipped 1, failed 0


Userlevel 7
Badge +22



You can’t just remove a VIB. By deleting that file your backup chain is corrupted. You need to create a new full backup to continue backing up this VM. Another incremental backup could rely on blocks within this deleted VIB.

Userlevel 1



You can’t just remove a VIB. By deleting that file your backup chain is corrupted. You need to create a new full backup to continue backing up this VM. Another incremental backup could rely on blocks within this deleted VIB.

I have awared of that, but we dunno who removed the VIB file.


Is there any other way to remove this restore point? according to Veeam doc, it should can be remove as VIB file have gone.

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Unfortunately the backup chain is disrupted by deleting one incremental backup. With this all incremental backups after the one that was deleted are not usable.

Do a new active full backup to build a new backup chain with incremental backups. After this is complete the old incomplete chain can be deleted.


Do not delete Veeam backup files manually. This results in problems most of the times…

Please see this forum thread, too.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

It’s possible to make Veeam “forget” this incremental restore points and all others after this one.

Basically you need to follow the steps from this page:


  1. rescan the repository
  2. open the properties for the backup on “disk”
  3. use the option forget this backup and all dependent backups


After that you can run the backup normally. Veeam will create a new incremental based on the last healthy restore points.

Be ware that any dependent restore point for this missing VIB will be removed.


Userlevel 7
Badge +3



You can’t just remove a VIB. By deleting that file your backup chain is corrupted. You need to create a new full backup to continue backing up this VM. Another incremental backup could rely on blocks within this deleted VIB.

I have awared of that, but we dunno who removed the VIB file.


Is there any other way to remove this restore point? according to Veeam doc, it should can be remove as VIB file have gone.

As others have mentioned, removing a VIB will break the backup chain and your backups will no longer be viable. You’d have to create a new active full at that point. Look at it like a straight line broken up into segments. You need each segment for the line to be full and complete. If you remove a segment, you are now missing a piece of your line and no longer have a full or functioning line.

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Unfortunately the backup chain is disrupted by deleting one incremental backup. With this all incremental backups after the one that was deleted are not usable.

Do a new active full backup to build a new backup chain with incremental backups. After this is complete the old incomplete chain can be deleted.


Do not delete Veeam backup files manually. This results in problems most of the times…

Please see this forum thread, too.

If you have deleted any restore points manually, the chain and broken. The best thing to do is go to your Backups section in VBR (under jobs), choose Disk, choose a job, then hold shift and right click the job and choose “Delete from disk”. This will delete the backups from your repository. This is the correct way to delete restore points. There is also an option called “Remove from configuration”. This option will tell VBR to forget those restore points. You can use this if you want to keep restore points on a repository but not have Veeam see them.

Userlevel 1

It’s possible to make Veeam “forget” this incremental restore points and all others after this one.

Basically you need to follow the steps from this page:


  1. rescan the repository
  2. open the properties for the backup on “disk”
  3. use the option forget this backup and all dependent backups


After that you can run the backup normally. Veeam will create a new incremental based on the last healthy restore points.

Be ware that any dependent restore point for this missing VIB will be removed.


Good day, sir ,have tried to rescan repo, but failed, do you know why?


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

If I had to guess why a vib would go missing and still show in the Veeam list, it sounds like the file was manually deleted and the repository hasn’t been rescanned.  If the vib is truly missing, you’re going to want to create a new full backup as the current chain will be corrupted.  That said, it looks like you’re taking incremental backups, but only once a month…nothing necessarily wrong with that, just unusual to me.
