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File server failback take much time

One of our customers is facing an issue with there file sever.

the file server is replication from primary to secondary. when the file server fail back to primary site it take around 12 hours. the file server size is 3 TB.

how can we failback the server in less time.



Userlevel 7
Badge +21

This page explains failback with Veeam -

There are many factors for speed but no way I am aware of to speed it up.  Also dependent on wan link as well.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Shaokat -

Assuming you’re just doing regular Failback (i.e. not using CDP...tho, I think they’re both mostly the same), it can take quite a while, at least in Phase I, as stated in the Guide:

Failback Phases

Is your customer Failing Back to a completely new VM at the source site? If so, this is the longest recovery option. The only way, according to the Guide, your customer can make the process go quicker is recover the source VM at the source from some kind of backup then do the Failback, or Failback to the original VM. Doing the Failback either of these ways, Veeam only sends back changes to the original or recovered VM.

Failback Recovery

As Chris shared, your customer’s WAN speed will be the biggest factor Failback recovery processing time, along with Failback type.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hey @Shaokat … just to confirm time to Failback time/speeds...I found the below Forums post where someone was doing so to a VM of 1.5TB and took 6hrs. So your 3TB taking 12hr is about spot on.

If your customer is able, see if Failing Back to original or a restored VM goes slightly quicker. Again, it’s still going to take a while for a VM of that size, but hopefully a not quite as long.
