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Buenas noches,

Bloqueado "OK" para guardar la modificación o configuración del Proxy

Luego de hacer instalado el Veeam ONE en Windows Server 2022 no puedo modificar la configuración del Proxy de Windows (inetcpl.cpl), al dar CLIC en “OK” no lo acepta, así que no me permite asignar el proxy para poder actualizar la huella del Antimalware.

Ya revise la políticas locales y no tengo ninguna para las opciones de Internet.

Puedo agrégalo de forma manual a nivel de registro de Windows y puedo navegar, pero sin embargo, sigue fallando la actualización de la huella del Antimalware.

Por favor, alguien me puede ayudar

Saludos y gracias de antemano,


Good evening,

After installing Veeam ONE on Windows Server 2022 I cannot modify the Windows Proxy settings (inetcpl.cpl), when I click on “OK” it does not accept it, so it does not allow me to assign the proxy to be able to update the Antimalware footprint.

I have already checked the local policies and I do not have any for the Internet options.

I can add it manually at the Windows registry level and I can browse, but however, the Antimalware footprint update continues to fail.

Please, can someone help me?

Regards and thanks in advance,

So, the issue is not with Veeam but with Windows and configuring the network settings. If the OK button is not working, is there a warning or error that comes up when you do this? We need more information regarding any messages you might be getting, but since this is Windows-related, you may need to check the MS Community forums for answers.


Hi Chris, Thanks for answering,

I'll tell you in more detail, I prepared 3 Windows Servers, which come from a single template, the other 2 Servers do not present this problem, before installing Veeam ONE I was able to configure the proxy without problems to download the Installer on the Server ONE, after performing the download I removed the Proxy again and started the installation, the next day I noticed the AntiMalware update error and from there I realized that I can no longer configure the Proxy, only on that Server ONE. When trying to Save the configuration "OK" there is no error, just CLICK and it does not accept it, to exit I have to press Cancel and it closes the window.

I have already made the query in several Windows forums and they tell me the same thing that I have already checked, that there is no Policy that prevents me from doing it, I have checked and I do not have a Policy enabled for that at the Internet Options level.

Greetings and thanks again,


Hola Chris,

Gracias por responder,
Te comento con más detalles, preparé 3 Servidores Windows, los cuales vienen de una unica platilla, los otros 2 Servidores no presenta este problema, antes de instalar Veeam ONE pude configurar el proxy sin problemas para descargar el Instalador en el Server ONE, luego de realizar la descarga volví a quitar el Proxy e inicié la instalación, al día siguiente me percató del error de actualización del AntiMalware y desde ahí me doy cuenta que ya no puedo configurar el Proxy, solo en ese Servidor ONE.
Al intentar Salvar la configuración "OK" no presenta error, solo dar CLIC y no lo acepta, para salir debo pulsar Cancelar y si cierra la ventana.
Ya realice la consulta en varios foros de Windows y me indican lo mismo que ya he revisado, que no exista un Politica que me impida hacerlo, he revisado y no tengo una Politica habilitada para eso a nivel del las Opciones de Internet.

Saludos y gracias nuevamente,

Since this is a OS-level issue I am not sure what else the community can help with.  Are you able to redeploy the server from the template again to see if that fixes it?  Only suggestion I can give now since the problem is not directly Veeam related, but rather the OS level.  I would assume the user logged in trying to change the network settings has permissions.

Nothing was done, just installation, the equipment is Standalone and without policies, I honestly do not rule out that the OS registry has been corrupted and that is why the problem, it is what I have been thinking about. And if it is possible to reinstall, so I will coordinate it.

I am sincerely grateful for your support and prompt response.

Greetings and have a great afternoon!!

No se hizo nada, sino solo instalar, el equipo está Standalone y sin politicas, sinceramente no descarto que se haya corrompido el registo del SO y por eso el problema, es lo que ya he venido pensando.
Y si es posible realizar la reinstalación, así que lo voy a coordinar.

Sinceramente, quedo agradecido por su apoyo y pronta respuesta.

Saludos y que tenga una excelente tarde!!

