At VEEAMON 2023 in Miami I had the opportunity to talk about a certain topic during a Tech Talk.
At first I would like to thank
For those that have missed it, I will give you in this post a recap about the content of this session.
As already said, the idea was to have an informal and interactive talk about a certain topic.
The topic I have chosen was : Powering Off-Site backup a at Service Provider.
The session had several elements :
- Introduction
At first we introduced ourselves.
Who are we, from which country, working at a partner/service provider or at a customer.
- 3-2-1-1-0 golden backup rule
I explained the importance of implementing the 3-2-1-1-0 golden backup rule.
It is very important to protect us against ransomware, disasters and other attacks.
The topic of the day was the offsite backup copy.
- Different approaches for off-site backup
There are different possibilities to implement a off-site backup :
- Put a backup copy at a extra site of the customer, next to the HQ main site
โ disadvantage is that not every customer has multiple sites
- Use tape or rotating disk and transport them each time to an offsite location
โ disadvantage is the requirement of manual actions (during COVID : not interesting)
- Put a backup copy to the public cloud object storage
โ disadvantage are the egress and API costs, no proximitiy - no real service if something happens, it only offers storage
- Put a backup copy to a service provider offering a BaaS
โ the best option
- Why a Service Provider
Why is it interesting to choose for a Service Provider instead of other options :
- Service Provider can offer extra services (BaaS), not only storage
- Normally no egress costs - unlimited data transport in comparison with public cloud storage
- Expertise from experts is possible at the service provider
- Mostly only costs for used storage are charged
- Mostly daily monitoring by the service provider included
- Extra options are often available (yearly restore tests - seeding - WAN Accelerators)
- Proximity - own datacenter in the same country - compliance reasons
- Fast response and expertise from the service provider
- Trust-relationship with the local partner
- More flexible when something has to be changed
- ...
โ Because of those extra advantages, itโs mostly a good idea to choose for a trusted partner/service provider
- Veeam solutions at a Service Provider
The Service Provider itselves has the flexibility and the possibility to choose how to implement Veeam Cloud Connect as a BaaS.
He can choose the vendor of hardware, which services he wants to implement and offer.
With VEEAM you have the flexibility and possibility to do that, because itโs a software defined solution!!!
- Veeam Cloud Connect : copy job for a on-premise VM or physical machine using agent or cloud VM using agent
- SSL connection over internet : only 1 port needed to be opened : 6180
- Encrypted data transport and encryption at the backup-file also possible and recommended
- Partner is flexible in solution : scalable, copy on tape, copy on capacity tier - even immutable is possible - object storage - insider protection - ...
- Servers - workstations
- ...
- Service Provider Console
Using the free Service Provider Console, the Service Provider can manage and monitor all the customers at a central location and tool.
Also he can allow the customer to have access to this portal to manage and monitor their own tenant.
- Rental licenses
If the customer doesnโt want to buy own Veeam licenses, he can ask the service provider to rent the necessary licenses. Those are then on name of the service provider and are normally being charged at a monthly basis. Those licenses can be managed by the Veeam Service Console
That was a short summary to the tech talk.
Looking forward to next year for having the next Tech Talk.