Veeam User Roles
Veeam Backup & Replication uses a role-based authorization system to manage user access and authorizations. Each role contains a set of permissions that define specific actions that users can perform in the Veeam Backup & Replication console. This gives you more control over your data backup and recovery and prevents unauthorized access.

User Roles in Veeam:
Veeam Restore Operator: This role allows users to recover data from backups. Users can browse backups, select recovery points, and restore files or objects to their original location or an alternative location. However, they do not have the authority to create backups, manage backup jobs, or manage user roles.
Veeam Backup Operator: This role allows users to create and manage backups. Users can create new backup jobs, change backup settings, run and stop backups, and view backup history. They can also back up and recover virtual machines if Veeam Backup Enterprise Edition is used. However, they do not have the authority to recover data or manage user roles.
Veeam Backup Administrator: This role gives users access to all functionality of Veeam Backup & Replication. They can perform operations such as creating and managing backups, recovering data, monitoring and managing backup jobs, managing user roles, and configuring Veeam Backup & Replication settings.
Veeam Tape Operator: This role allows users to backup and recover data from tapes. Users can manage tape devices, create backup jobs to tapes, backup and restore tapes, and view tape inventory. However, they are not authorized to create or manage disk backups, recover data, or manage user roles.
Veeam Backup Viewer: This role allows users to view the Veeam Backup & Replication console and view information about backup jobs, backups, and recoveries. However, they are not authorized to create backups, manage or recover data.
Which Role Should You Use?
Which role you use depends on what you want users to do with Veeam Backup & Replication.
For users who only need data recovery authorization, use the Veeam Restore Operator role.
For users who need authority to create and manage backups, use the Veeam Backup Operator role.
For users who need access to the full functionality of Veeam Backup & Replication, use the Veeam Backup Administrator role.
For users who need the authority to backup to and recover data from tapes, use the Veeam Tape Operator role.
Use the Veeam Backup Viewer role for users who need the ability to view the Veeam Backup & Replication console and view information about backup jobs, backups, and recoveries.