Machine Rescan Error: Unable to install backup agent: Cannot find Package version...

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi Everyone.

I was fiddling in my lab yesterday evening which is never a good idea on a Friday after a long week. Trying to setoff some security alarms with different systems that I am testing I went a little too far and somehow nuked the agent distributable package for windows. 

This morning when getting ready to do some testing with IAM/STS on Ootbi I ran into this error when trying to rescan a manually added  machine:


After a short search I realized that the redistributable package for Veeam Agent for windows had been corrupted. 

The solution is quite simple. Mount your Veeam VBR installation ISO and run the VAWRedist.msi

Run the MSI
Agent for Windows

After that I tried the rescan again and everything worked as is should:


I can now go back to my originally planned weekend to do list!



Userlevel 7
Badge +19

ha! :) Glad you found a fix...and an easy one at that!

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Great when the fix is easy. 👍
