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Did you know you’re 30 minutes away from Orchestrated Disaster Recovery?


Did you know you’re 30 minutes away from Orchestrated DR at any given moment?

Veeam Availability Orchestrator takes just 20 minutes to configure, and it takes less than 10 minutes to create an Orchestration Plan, what we call your your fully documented and automated DR plan.

Don’t believe me?  I have proof!



Those videos cover everything you need to get started after you have installed VAO, and run through the initial configuration wizard, which couldn’t be simpler.

Here’s a few more tips I’ve discovered along the way and am sharing:

  • Install the VAO agent on all of your Veeam Backup & Replication servers.  Once you install the agent, VAO understands the jobs you already have configured, and can orchestrate their recovery.  Simple!
  • If you use NetApp storage, be sure to have your SnapMirrors configured ahead of time if they aren’t already.  Once you add your storage systems, you guessed it, VAO understands the relationships you have and can orchestrate their recovery!
  • vSphere Tags make the world go around.  VAO uses these to categorize your VMs.  Bonus, you base you Veeam Backup & Replication jobs on vSphere tags too!  Not using tags?  No problem.  You can use the embedded Veeam ONE Business View that comes with VAO to intelligently group VMs for categorization, and then even push those tags to vCenter.  Here’s a white paper I wrote all about vSphere Tags + Veeam.

If you’re looking for a better way to recover from a disaster (or to perform a migration) VAO is just the thing you need.

Besides running an orchestration plan with just one click, you’ll also get full DR plan documentation that dynamically updates, and the ability to test your DR plan with you guessed it – one click thanks to Veeam DataLabs.

Best of all?  You can use VAO to schedule a DataLab test for next Tuesday, then leave running for app owners to access.  Think things like patch testing, training, and just about anything you could ever want an extra copy of your data for, with no impact to production!

The days of locking yourself in the data center for a DR test are long gone thanks to VAO, you can also say goodbye to those binders full of DR documents that are outdated almost as soon as you print them.

Be sure to stay tuned here on the Veeam Communities for even more great tips and tricks when it comes to Veeam Availability Orchestrator!  While you’re at it, don’t forget to download a 30 day free trial and try it today!


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