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Hello together,

before you update VEEAM to Version 12 using VMware vCenter/ESXi please check VMs HardDisks for duplicate UUID. In Version 11 this was never a problem. In the new Version VEEAM checks the UUID and backup will fail.

VMware has no problem with that most time. But they know the Problem -

This command will find any HardDisk with duplicate UUID - please note that this is VMware PowerCLI command

Get-VM | Get-HardDisk | Select @{N='VM';E={$_.Parent.Name}}, @{N='Uuid';E={$_.ExtensionData.Backing.Uuid}} | Group-Object -Property Uuid | ?{ $_.Count -gt 1 }

As Service Provider such changes in VEEAM are a total disaster!!

The problem is not VMs with the same UUID, but disks with the same UUID…


not a funny discover specially from people which provides VMs from template with ansible but code will be fixed to avoid that symptom.

@HannesK @Mildur Could you confirm this is a known and expected behavior in v12? i did a support case to have an official answer today :)

@yohan CHABE

No, I didn’t had the chance yet to clarify the behavior. 

I suspect it's because VmWare does not support mapping discs with the same UUID to the same VM.
If you use a HotAdd proxy, the VM's discs are mapped to our proxy. If multiple VMs use discs with the same UUID, mapping to a Veeam HotAdd Proxy is not supported by VmWare.
The solution is to resolve the issue with duplicated UUIDs as recommended in the VmWare KB article.



I’ll update this topic, when I have an “official” answer from my team.



The problem is not VMs with the same UUID, but disks with the same UUID…


Hi @JMeixner,

yes, didn't come out right.

I’ve backup with the same proxy in yHotAdd] mode two VMs with disks with the same UUID export with command on the top of the topics:

Get-VM | Get-HardDisk | Select @{N='VM';E={$_.Parent.Name}}, @{N='Uuid';E={$_.ExtensionData.Backing.Uuid}} | Group-Object -Property Uuid | ?{ $_.Count -gt 1 }



By any chance, do you all use linux proxies with lvm?
I ran a test on request of support without lvm and the VM's we have issues with processed successfully.

By any chance, do you all use linux proxies with lvm?
I ran a test on request of support without lvm and the VM's we have issues with processed successfully.

No I’m using a windows proxy

By any chance, do you all use linux proxies with lvm?
I ran a test on request of support without lvm and the VM's we have issues with processed successfully.

Oh, is support looking for this problem after all? I had this problem some time ago with LVM and nothing useful was found at this time...


Answer from the support:

“In deploying vm from template they have duplicate vmdk UUID's.
This is known in vmware and at the moment there is no solution only a workaround, by deploying in same host and moving them after to different ones so no duplicates are created.
Here is where you are affected. In the past v11 did not check UUID's, it checked only moref ID's meaning that in theory you could have duplicate vddk UUID's. V12 is still checking moref id's but also UUID's in order to better handle metadata.”

Had the same problem, and basically Veeam closed my ticket as they didnt help me. SAD when you rely on something

To contribute, yes this has happened to me as well. One day we woke up to errors after upgrading to 12. its been now 3 months no successful backup (through Veeam) as we get disk errors.


What's funny is that the smaller vm, just a windows workstation backs up just fine. Not the domain controller vm with all the data and a secondary hard drive with all their data.


To test out further, we installed a mickey mouse virtual machine program downloaded from the internet and it captured the bare metal image just fine. Just NOT Veeam

@skytouch-usa - is this problem related to your HDD which was corrupt, like mentioned in your other post?

Don‘t see an error on Veeam Support side here, and don’t understand why you are blaming them (that’s how it looks to me). 
It’s not normal that Support closing a ticket without any result, you are also in charge and can escalate it. 

@Martin Weber thank you very much for sharing this information!
