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With some people help me, I have this "script" to get all differents malwares detections based on date + VM name + Path.
This is usefull to avoid read several files.


$Path = "C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\Malware_Detection_Logs\"
$Files = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path).FullName

Select-String -Path $Files -Pattern '^\\(?<Date>;^\]]+).+\s(?<VM>;^:]+):.+?:(?<File>.+)' -AllMatches |
ForEach-Object {
$match = $_.Matchess0]
Date = $match.Groupss'Date'].Value
VM = $match.Groupss'VM'].Value
File = $match.Groupss'File'].Value
} |
Sort-Object VM, File -Unique


Wow, that’s great script, thank you @damien commenge for sharing.

That is an awesome script!  Thanks for sharing Damien.

Perfect ! Great script
