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Let's get this party started for 2023!


Hello All, for those you don’t know me I am Ben and have been asked to be the leader of the A/NZ User Groups.

In the past we have had a mix of virtual and more recently in person events, keen to know if you have been to any of these as well as what content you would all like, i.e how much user/community content vs deep dives by the SE’s etc

I can start to build up a list and work with Veeam to get some things on the calendar for 2023




Hey Ben! 

Congrats on taking the role - can’t wait to see what you’ll have planned for the A/NZ group! 

I think a good 50/50 mix of community and SE sessions would be cool, but I know the community session side is sometimes a bit harder to fill. 

I’d be keen to see a session on “Design Strategies to meet the 3-2-1-1-0 rule” or “planning for long term retention/archival” 

Michael Paul did a great SureBackup deep dive this week for the UK VUG. 

Best of luck, and hope to meet up at an event!

Thanks, Keiran.


Hey Ben


Agree with Keiran, mix would be good but probably easier to get SEs to do sessions?

maybe some topics could be things we don’t do often (or hope not to)..  restoring DCs, secure restore - what needs to be prepared in advance with the AV scanning..  in both those scenarios I think people would be under a bit of stress so perhaps a walk through of the process, a checklist including things that should be in place before hand???

just some ideas.

I like in person events, but obviously online caters for those outside of the metro areas.

Can’t believe it’s the end of March already..  Next thing you know I’ll be sitting in a VeeamOn session in Miami!  

  • Product Strategy
  • March 24, 2023

What a veeamazing news, congrats @benyoung!!! 🎊 Already ooking forward to what you´ll bring for this year with all members of our community down there on the southern hemisphere!! 🥝
