@virtualhobbit Thank you for creating this topic.
There is a prerequisite for upgrade is to have 50% free space for catalog-pv-claim before the upgrade.
It seems that there is a schema upgrade that is needed for your K10 instance and it is failing because it doesn’t have free space to do the upgrade.
Everytime when a schema upgrade happens, We copy our database into a temporary new database, do the schema upgrade and then commit it. Then we will delete the old database, This is the reason why catalog needs to have 50% free space.
If your storageClass supports volume expansion, You can do a helm upgrade with the below command to increase the size of the catalog PVC(make sure that the catalog utilization is below 50 % while setting up the size)
helm get values k10 --output yaml --namespace=kasten-io > k10_val.yaml && \
helm upgrade k10 kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io -f k10_val.yaml \
--set global.persistence.catalog.size=<Size with units eg 30Gi>
Once you increase the PVCs capacity, The catalog schma upgrade will go through and it should come up and running after the upgrade.