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Hey all! 

Im triing to deploy K10 on my k3s env.
when I finished the deployment, I could access the web dashboard.
I need to agree on the license, and I don't have the option to do that! 
it's just a blue screen whit a welcome message, the end user license.
and I don't have an Option to agree 

Did you try scrolling down to the bottom?

The things I've tried so far:

  • scrolling down to the bottom
  • resize the window 
  • reinstall k10 
  • reinstall k3s 
  • add secure flags TOKEN\PASS 
  • install version 5.0.0 (NOW 5.5.5) 


Hello @amit ,

Thank you for using our K10 community!

There is a possibility to use a helm value to accept the EULA form, also add Company and email, during installation or upgrade, it helps when using automation tools (Argo/Gitops) to deploy K10.


During installation just add the helm parameters to your install command:

--set eula.accept=true \

In case of upgrade, there is a configmap that is created when installing K10 named "k10-eula-info", delete this configmap and run the helm upgrade with the values below:

#Delete configmap k10-eula-info from kanten-io namespace
kubectl delete cm k10-eula-info -n kasten-io

#Save K10 helm values to a file
helm get values k10 -n kasten-io > k10_val.yaml

#Upgrade K10 using the helm values below
helm upgrade k10 kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io -f k10_val.yaml \
--set eula.accept=true \
--set"COMPANY EMAIL" --version=K10_VERSION

After that, wait until all K10 pods are up and running, and try to access your dashboard again, the EULA form should not appear since you have accepted already using the helm values.

Let us know if you have any additional questions.


F. Rubens

