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Kasten K10 backup kanister sidecar failed only for jenkins


I am using kanister sidecar on my K10 version 6.0.5 for severales namespace with generic storage it works except for jenkins. I have this error when it try to do the Snapshotting Application Components:


Failed snapshots for workload

 Failed to snapshot volumes

 Error snapshotting volume

 ActionSet Failed

 {"message":"Failed to backup data to Kopia API server","function":"*backupDataToServerFunc).Exec","linenumber":145,"file":"","cause":{"message":"Failed to connect to Kopia API server","function":"","linenumber":215,"file":"","cause":{"message":"Failed to exec command in pod: command terminated with exit code 1"}}}

Can you help me please ?

best regards.

Best answer by reynald14


I have resolved the issue. to do it I have edited the jenkins statefulset.apps and changed the volumeMounts of the kanister-sidecar container to the same as the jenkins container.


Best regards.

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  • Author
  • Comes here often
  • August 23, 2023


on the logs of  kanister-svc container I have those errors :
{"Container":"kanister-sidecar","File":"pkg/format/format.go","Function":"","Line":97,"LogKind":"datapath","Out":"\u001b[31mERROR\u001b[0m error connecting to API server: unable to write config file: unable to create config directory: mkdir /tmp/kopia-repository: read-only file system","Pod":"jenkins-001-0","cluster_name":"4ad9cbee-e199-48e4-b192-f937d1719039","hostname":"kanister-svc-59f76bccb4-jxk49","level":"info","msg":"Pod Update","time":"2023-08-23T09:36:16.624140221Z","version":"6.0.5"}
{"Container":"kanister-sidecar","File":"pkg/format/format.go","Function":"","Line":97,"LogKind":"datapath","Out":"2023-08-23 09:36:16.619874172 +0000 UTC write error: unable to open log file: open /tmp/kopia-log/75695cc1-e6f8-46e9-a4fd-dea25afa1a6f-jenkins-001-jenkins-001/cli-logs/kopia-20230823-093616-95-repository-connect-server.1.log: no such file or directory","Pod":"jenkins-001-0","cluster_name":"4ad9cbee-e199-48e4-b192-f937d1719039","hostname":"kanister-svc-59f76bccb4-jxk49","level":"info","msg":"Pod Update","time":"2023-08-23T09:36:16.624165361Z","version":"6.0.5"}
{"ActionSet":"k10-backuptoserver-k10-statefulset-generic-volume-2.0.33-jq8p2d","File":"pkg/controller/controller.go","Function":"*Controller).logAndErrorEvent","Line":670,"Phase":"backupToServer","cluster_name":"4ad9cbee-e199-48e4-b192-f937d1719039","error":"{\"message\":\"Failed to backup data to Kopia API server\",\"function\":\"*backupDataToServerFunc).Exec\",\"linenumber\":145,\"file\":\"\",\"cause\":{\"message\":\"Failed to connect to Kopia API server\",\"function\":\"\",\"linenumber\":215,\"file\":\"\",\"cause\":{\"message\":\"Failed to exec command in pod: command terminated with exit code 1\"}}}","hostname":"kanister-svc-59f76bccb4-jxk49","":"6b5fb580-4198-11ee-aacc-1abca1e12201","level":"info","msg":"Failed to execute phase: v1alpha1.Phase{Name:\"backupToServer\", State:\"pending\", Output:map[string]interface {}(nil)}:","time":"2023-08-23T09:36:16.63716963Z","version":"6.0.5"}

it seems that kanister can't create the folders /tmp/kopia-repository and /tmp/kopia-log/ on the container config-reload of the pod jenkins-001-0 because this container is a sidecar and have the /tmp/ readonly.

Best regards.

  • Author
  • Comes here often
  • August 23, 2023


I dont need to backup this sidecar, how can I exclude it from the backup please ?


Best regards.

  • Not a newbie anymore
  • August 23, 2023

Did you check the status of all pods for jenkins namespace?

  • Author
  • Comes here often
  • August 23, 2023

HI Ahmed,


yes there is only one pod with 2 containers running. One container is the jenkins app and the other one is a sidecar reload-config which has a filesystem readonly.


Best regards.


  • Author
  • Comes here often
  • August 24, 2023

HI Ahmed,


I have disable the sidecar reload-config but the k10 backup still failed with the same error:

{"Container":"kanister-sidecar","File":"pkg/format/format.go","Function":"","Line":97,"LogKind":"datapath","Out":"Unable to create logs directory: mkdir /tmp/kopia-log: read-only file system","Pod":"jenkins-001-0","cluster_name":"4ad9cbee-e199-48e4-b192-f937d1719039","hostname":"kanister-svc-59f76bccb4-jxk49","level":"info","msg":"Pod Update","time":"2023-08-24T08:00:05.665260911Z","version":"6.0.5"}
{"Container":"kanister-sidecar","File":"pkg/format/format.go","Function":"","Line":97,"LogKind":"datapath","Out":"2023-08-24 08:00:05.656483564 +0000 UTC write error: unable to open log file: open /tmp/kopia-log/75695cc1-e6f8-46e9-a4fd-dea25afa1a6f-jenkins-001-jenkins-001/cli-logs/kopia-20230824-080005-69-repository-connect-server.0.log: no such file or directory","Pod":"jenkins-001-0","cluster_name":"4ad9cbee-e199-48e4-b192-f937d1719039","hostname":"kanister-svc-59f76bccb4-jxk49","level":"info","msg":"Pod Update","time":"2023-08-24T08:00:05.665286151Z","version":"6.0.5"}


Can you help me please ?

Best regards.

  • Author
  • Comes here often
  • Answer
  • August 25, 2023


I have resolved the issue. to do it I have edited the jenkins statefulset.apps and changed the volumeMounts of the kanister-sidecar container to the same as the jenkins container.


Best regards.

  • Experienced User
  • August 25, 2023

Yes K10 needs access to /tmp filesystem to write the temporary config files. If readOnlyRootFilesystem is set in the pod/container’s securityContext, then K10 would fail to write those config files as `/tmp` is still considered root filesystem and it is set to readonly.

As you mentioned, you could either remove the securityContext readOnlyRootFilesystem or you could add an emptyDir volume to the kanister-sidecar container’s securityContext pointing to the `/tmp/` mountpoint of the container.

This way `/tmp` becomes writable and it should succeed. 
