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i have an issue with kasten on only one application.

When i backup the app (manualy or with policy) k10 wait something and never backup (wait 10 hours and no timeout) :(

the tasks details :

- endTime: null
name: Snapshotting Application Components
startTime: 2022-05-31T11:26:06Z
state: waiting
updatedTime: 2022-05-31T11:57:06Z

The application is ready, pods or other resources are not in pending state.

i run

curl | bash

but no error and other application don’t have issues

Where i can find what Kasten wait ?


Thanks !


Can you check the configmap in the kasten-io namespace. 

If there is a old <ns>.lock configmap that was not properly cleaned (for instance you deleted the ns during a backup) just delete it, the backup should start.



@Yvan Thank you for posting this question.

Would you be able to list the configmaps in K10 namespace and share the output here.

kubectl get cm -n kasten-io

We create a lock whenever a backup starts to run(to ensure no other jobs run against the particular policy). This lock will be removed once the policy-run completes. 

However, for some reason if the job did not finish/complete gracefully, these locks will be left over.

This can be one case for the job to be in waiting state until timeout.

Thanks ! It’s that 😀
After removing the “lock config map”, backup work fine !


Thanks a lot !

Hi, I have the same problem.
This is the output of my cm
What should I delete and with what command


C:\Users\M00130\Documents\K10>kubectl get cm -n kasten-io
NAME                             DATA   AGE
fluentbit-configmap              2      49d
frontend-config                  2      49d
k10-config                       33     49d
k10-eula                         1      49d
k10-eula-info                    3      49d
k10-grafana                      4      49d
k10-grafana-dashboards-default   1      49d
k10-k10-metering-config          2      49d
k10-k10-prometheus-config        1      49d
k10-nslock.matrixx-prod-sd01     1      7d16h

Please help me.


@att_backups You can delete the configmap named `k10-nslock.matrixx-prod-sd01` by using the below command.

kubectl delete cm k10-nslock.matrixx-prod-sd01 -n kasten-io

Thank you very much jaiganeshjk. 🙂

With this my backup could run 🙏🏻
