I would like to upgrade our cluster to 1.26. But getting following messages on aggregatedapis-svc:
1 warnings.go:70] snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 VolumeSnapshot is deprecated; use snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1 VolumeSnapshot
Upgrade K10 to 6.0.12 with helm charts, but still getting this.
Does K10 support 1.26? If so, what is going wrong here?
Best answer by jaiganeshjk
@mdavis Thanks for posting your question here.
K10 6.0.12 support till 1.27(https://docs.kasten.io/latest/operating/support.html#supported-kubernetes-versions).
So you should have any issues in running with 1.26.
The message is about snapshot API version and v1beta1 version is deprecated in 1.24 itself.
Its not from K10 but it comes when K10 tries to list/get the snapshot.
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