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RKE2 v1.26.2  is now bundled with a snapshot validation webhook ( which prevent K10 backups :


            message: 'Failed to create snapshot resource k10-csi-snap-b926xgtp79mbbq6w,
Namespace xxxxxx: admission webhook
"" denied the
request: expect resource to be { v1
volumesnapshots}, { v1
volumesnapshotcontents} or { v1


I could be wrong but if RKE 1.26.2 is what I think it is 🙂 i.e. version 1.26 then I don’t think Kasten have added support yet. They normally need some time for testing and dealing with new things like this, hence the delay in support


Check the release notes here



There is an effort to try and tighten the controls around snapshots so it makes sense as stated here that the distribution would introduce this.

You could try removing the older apiVersions for snapshot CRDs from your cluster just keeping the V1.

K10 supports V1 snapshot CRDs as well.

Thanks, I removed the whole Validation Webhook until this get fixed and backups are now OK:

 kubectl delete Validatingwebhookconfigurations/rke2-snapshot-validation-webhook

