Paging @Geoff Burke @Yongkang
Hi Team,
When I try to install k10 on EKS cluster I get the below error. I need some help in resolving this.
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "STDIN": Internal error occurred: {"message":"Unable to get or add manifest artifact","function":"*Submitter).Submit","linenumber":57,"file":"","cause":{"message":"Failed to get or add artifact","function":"","linenumber":352,"file":"","cause":{"message":"Post \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"}}}
What are you trying to do, my friend? You can easily spin up a test lab following my Automation or YouTube.
EKS Automation
EKS Playlist
Please let me know if you can make it working. @Prasanna Keshava
@Prasanna Keshava When are you seeing this error message ? I can’t think of a scenario where you will see this error message when installing K10.
I presume it is not from the helm installation command.
Do you see it while you are trying to run a backup ?
From the above error message, I understand that there is a service that is trying to add or get artifact from catalog-svc and it is getting connection refused while doing this.
Would you be able confirm if your catalog-svc is running or reachable from other K10 pods ?
@Yongkang I have used your scripts for installation. K8 installation goes successful but K10 fails with the above mentioned error.
@jaiganeshjk The above error I get during k10 installation on eks cluster
@Yongkang I have used your scripts for installation. K8 installation goes successful but K10 fails with the above mentioned error.
@jaiganeshjk The above error I get during k10 installation on eks cluster
I just tried this afternoon and has no issues. Very importantly, remove all your old cloned repo and do a fresh git Clone as I'm keeping enhanced it if I found any issues from either AWS or Kasten.