Dear Friends,
I faced a strange issue today when I try to delete and recreate coredns pods for my k8s cluster. After that I am not able to access my kasten k 10 dashboard. I see this on front page.
Access to was denied
You don't have authorization to view this page.
I have tried ingress load balancer and node port as well. I saw similar question and I have tried all the options mentioned there. I upgraded to latest Kasten and I also remove resources limit. Still I am facing the same issue.
On the pod level I can see the gateway pods keep restarting and it show this error.
Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503
Back-off restarting failed container ambassador in pod gateway-7df6b7f879-2zjqr_kasten-io(b373e91c-fe91-45ae-8fb3-861b9741e4c6)
On the logs level this is what I get
[2023-06-30 13:47:35 +0000] [20] [INFO] Handling signal: int
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.3352" level=info msg="Memory Usage 0.10Gi\n PID 1, 0.08Gi: busyambassador entrypoint \n PID 20, 0.04Gi: /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/diagd /ambassador/snapshots /ambassador/bootstrap-ads.json /ambassador/envoy/envoy.json --notices /ambassador/notices.json --port 8004 --kick kill -HUP 1 \n PID 23, 0.04Gi: /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/diagd /ambassador/snapshots /ambassador/bootstrap-ads.json /ambassador/envoy/envoy.json --notices /ambassador/notices.json --port 8004 --kick kill -HUP 1 \n PID 34, 0.05Gi: envoy -c /ambassador/bootstrap-ads.json --base-id 0 --drain-time-s 600 -l error " func="*MemoryUsage).Watch" file="/go/pkg/memory/memory.go:43" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=/memory
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.3417" level=info msg="finished successfully: exit status 0" func="*Cmd).Wait" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=/envoy
[2023-06-30 13:47:35 +0000] [23] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 23)
[2023-06-30 13:47:35 +0000] [20] [INFO] Shutting down: Master
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7263" level=info msg="finished successfully: exit status 0" func="*Cmd).Wait" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=/diagd
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7268" level=info msg=" final goroutine statuses:" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7270" level=info msg=" /ambex : exited without error" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7273" level=info msg=" /diagd : exited without error" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7275" level=info msg=" /envoy : exited without error" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7278" level=info msg=" /external_snapshot_server: exited without error" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7282" level=info msg=" /healthchecks : exited without error" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7283" level=info msg=" /memory : exited without error" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7289" level=info msg=" /snapshot_server : exited without error" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7292" level=info msg=" /watcher : exited without error" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7297" level=info msg=" :signal_handler:0 : exited with error" file="/go/vendor/" CMD=entrypoint PID=1 THREAD=":shutdown_status"
time="2023-06-30 13:47:35.7298" level=error msg="shut down with error error: received signal terminated (triggering graceful shutdown)" file="/go/pkg/busy/busy.go:87" CMD=entrypoint PID=1
Any suggestions please.
Really Thanks.