Hi everyone,
I am trying to set up Veeam Kasten version 7.0.8 for our environment.
I have run k10tools to check the connection to Azure storage and received all OKs, so the permissions and credentials look good:
-> Connect to Azure
-> List Azure containers
-> Put Azure object
-> List Azure objects
-> Delete Azure object
This was run with:
./k10tools primer storage connect azure -f k10storage.yaml
In k10storage.yaml, i had
account_name: exampleAccount
access_key: access key which is already base64 encoded
cloud_env: AzurePublicCloud
I have created a k8s secret following the example below with
This contains:
azure_storage_account_id - i base64 encoded the account_name from earlier
azure_storage_key - the same key as k10storage.yaml
azure_storage_environment - This is set to blank as when trying to set anything which is base64 encoded, it will complain with:
could not create store provider {Type:Azure Endpoint: Region:uaenorth SkipSSLVerify:false}: autorest/azure: There is no cloud environment matching the name "AZURECLOUD\n". This is the same when using the cloud_env value from earlier, so the documentation appears to be incorrect here as none of the suggested values work.
When nothing is set, it will complain about Bad Credentials:
could not create store provider {Type:Azure Endpoint: Region:uaenorth SkipSSLVerify:false}: bad credentials
When trying to set it manually via the dashboard, i get this error:
unable to create or update Item: storage: service returned error: StatusCode=400, ErrorCode=InvalidUri, ErrorMessage=The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server
When editing the YAML via dashboard, i can spot the same errors mentioned from earlier:
'{"message":"Location profile validation failed","function":"kasten.io/k10/kio/configcontroller/profile.validateProfile","linenumber":49,"file":"kasten.io/k10/kio/configcontroller/profile/profile_validation.go:49","cause":{"message":"Could not find profile bucket","function":"kasten.io/k10/kio/configcontroller/profile/internal/locationprofile.getReducedError","linenumber":170,"file":"kasten.io/k10/kio/configcontroller/profile/internal/locationprofile/object_store_validation.go:170","fields":[{"name":"bucket","value":"exampleAccount"}],"cause":{"message":"could
not create store provider {Type:Azure Endpoint: Region:uaenorth
SkipSSLVerify:false}: bad credentials"}}}'
Is there anything I am obviously doing wrong? I have followed the guides and everything appears fine to me. Thanks