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World Back Up Day Blog of the Month Special Edition - My Story - Luis F.


Hello everyone!

After reading some of your experiences and submissions, specially @Madi.Cristil s one, 

I’ve found some time to tell you mine,
this is a personal story, here we go:


Back on 2000 - 2001 , I was an exchange student flying from Spain to the US, without knowing any English at all, just few words, the worst pronunciation ever, scared and to the unknown.

At the beginning, it was fine to take pictures with “single use cameras” (I’m felling very old right now)
but after a while, I saw on Walmart a Digital camera, a Sony Cybershot!! OMG! 😱 1.3mpx of super high quality pictures, jpeg, TIFF and GIF! a monster!!
I bought it, and quickly I started fulling the 64MB memory Stick!! tons of pictures, fortunately, the Computer I’ve got in the house had a 100MB ZIP Drive, so I started backing up my pictures in a Zip Disk, of course, encrypted, but nothing else.

I came back from my exchange, life continued, and I just stored my ZIP Disk in the safe with other memories, letters, gifts, etc.
Once in a while, I took it off, update some pics, and put it back in the safe.
After few years, not using a digital camera, just an smartphone, I literally abandoned it in the safe,
and, couple of years ago, looking at my “in paper” pictures from my trip, I though, Hey! let’s open up the ZIP disk with tons of memories…. and upsss…. password locked!!

Nowadays, I keep trying to remember that password, plugging my ZIP reader into a “old laptop” with Parallel port, and spinning that disk.
I’ve tried with many things, old passwords, combinations, etc. but Nothing!
When I was jonguer, I was not that worried about data or password protection, so I didn’t have a password vault or something like that, my bad.

I will keep trying, but I learned the hard way, even though if your information is backed up and secured, it is also extremely important to be able to access it, and test that you can access periodically, and keep different copies in different medias / locations.

I do enjoy my memories in my head, but always is good to have some pics, so things you forgot just come back from your brain “cold tier” and have a good smile, oh that’s hilarious!

Thanks for reading my little story,
have a good one.

Luis F.


  • Community Manager
  • March 20, 2024

Nice job, @HunterLAFR !👏

  • Veeam Legend
  • March 20, 2024

Hopefully you can remember your old password. Thanks for sharing Luis!

  • Veeam Legend, Veeam Vanguard
  • March 20, 2024

I hate when you forget a password and swear you noted it somewhere. 😂

Thanks for the story Luis.

  • Veeam Vanguard
  • March 20, 2024

I copied a lot of data on ZIP disks during my first USA visit, too.

They were super to transport a lot of data (for this time - it was 1997). But it was a nightmare, because the durability of these disk was very low.

I think, half of them were not readable anymore after a year or so….

Fortunately I had copied the data to other media right after coming home. 😎

  • Veeam Legend
  • March 20, 2024

That’s too bad man.  Is the zip disk itself password protected, or the files?  I have a 4090 if you ever want some assistance trying to crack it! 😀

  • Author
  • Veeam Legend
  • March 20, 2024
Scott wrote:

That’s too bad man.  Is the zip disk itself password protected, or the files?  I have a 4090 if you ever want some assistance trying to crack it! 😀

Its the ZIP disk encrypted by Iomega, I’ve tried several times with different workarounds, but no luck.

4090! OMG! mining? gaming? heating? all of them?


  • Veeam Legend
  • March 20, 2024
HunterLAFR wrote:
Scott wrote:

That’s too bad man.  Is the zip disk itself password protected, or the files?  I have a 4090 if you ever want some assistance trying to crack it! 😀

Its the ZIP disk encrypted by Iomega, I’ve tried several times with different workarounds, but no luck.

4090! OMG! mining? gaming? heating? all of them?


I used to mine, it’s not nearly as profitable as it used to be.  I play a few games, and have hashed a few passwords for work and lots of video/audio editing.   I should have saved some cash on the 4070 haha
