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Veeam Backup for AWS v3 released


couple of headline features


  • Support for backup and recovery of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) settings  even across AWS accounts and AWS Regions  for troubleshooting, disaster recovery and dev/test purposes
  • Role-Based Access Control to delegate roles and access permissions for backup and recovery operations, streamlining operational efficiencies while ensuring data protection meets security and compliance regulations
  • Support for AWS Outposts, enabling organizations to use the same Veeam-powered AWS-native backup and recovery they use for on-premises AWS Outposts deployments

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Eddie Kwok
  • Experienced User
  • December 8, 2020

Release Information for Veeam Backup for AWS v3


What's new

Amazon RDS backup

  • Amazon RDS instances can be protected using flexible policy-based scheduling and lightning-fast database recovery to an exact point-in-time to the original location or to a new location in just seconds. Amazon RDS snapshots also benefit from snapshot replication across AWS accounts and regions and can help protect you against outages caused by failures and disasters that affect the availability of instances that are in the same location. Supported Amazon RDS instances include:
    • MariaDB
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • MySQL
    • Oracle
    • PostgreSQL

Amazon VPC backup

  • Amazon VPC configuration and settings can now be backed up within the Veeam Backup for AWS appliance database, as well as optional copy to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This helps troubleshoot VPC errors by comparing past configurations with current ones and subsequently recovering only what is needed or the complete configuration of entire infrastructures identically in the same region or cross-account or cross-region for DR and dev/test.

Role-Based Acces Control

  • Role-Based Access Control enables the delegation of roles and access permissions to specific users, maximizing
    operational efficiencies while ensuring greater security. There are three roles available:
    • Portal Administrator: Full access to Veeam Backup for AWS, including its configuration
    • Portal Operator: Access to the infrastructure and management components of Veeam Backup for AWS
    • Restore Operator: Access only to the restoration of workloads

AWS Outposts support

  • The same AWS-native backup and recovery used for your AWS Cloud environments is now available for on-premises data in AWS Outposts, fully tested and supported.

Backup and recovery

  • File-level recovery operations have been enhanced and now support the ability to restore individual files and folders directly to their original location by utilizing the Amazon Kinesis service.
  • Enhanced application consistency ensures zero data loss protection for Amazon EC2 instances by using custom pre- and post-scripts in-guest for Windows and Linux workloads.
  • Excluding Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes from backup policies is now possible by manually selecting specific volumes in the policy wizard or automatically using volume tags.

User experience

  • What’s new in the latest release is now shown upon logging in for the first time or after an upgrade. This provides information to new product features available, as well as the steps to take to implement the latest release.


  • Custom tags can now be applied to workers via the RESTful API. These tags will be applied to every deployed worker within the infrastructure.
