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Upgrade na Veeam Backup & Replication 12.1


Tak jsem povýšil produkci na verzi 12.1 a proběhlo to úplně bez problémů nebo komplikací. Když jsem přecházel z 11a na 12, tak jsem různé věci musel řešit, zde pohoda 😁.


  • New Here
  • January 5, 2024

  • Author
  • Veeam Vanguard
  • January 5, 2024
stmusil wrote:

Oboje v článku zmiňuji, ale máš tu i další odkazy, tak je tam doplním ;-).


Zdravim vas!


Otazka: Skusali ste aj silent upgrade alebo instalaciu?


Aj pri instalacii aj pri upgrade mam na roznych prostediach stale tu istu chybovu hlasku:



Dakujem za akykolvek tip. 😉

  • New Here
  • January 10, 2024

Ahoj Marťo,


muzes poskytnout ten answer file XML.. pripada mi to na prvni pohled na nejaky "preklep" v tom file podle te hlasky. Jinak ja to klikal nemam toho tolik :)








Jedine, co sa mi nezda, je kodovanie. V XMLku je utf-8 ale pri spusteni Veeam.Silent.Install.exe je v chybovej hlaske v prvom riadku utf-16 (vid. scrshot). Netusim ale, ci vobec a ak ano, aky suvis to ma. 🤷


Poznamka: v BETA to islo bez problemov. 😉

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattendedInstallationConfiguration bundle="Vbr" mode="upgrade" version="1.0">
<!--[Required] Parameter 'mode' defines installation mode that silent install should operate in-->    
<!--Supported values: install/upgrade/uninstall-->

<!--Note: unused [Optional] parameters should be removed from the answer file-->


		<!--License agreements-->
		<!--Specify parameters to accept all the license agreements during silent installation or upgrade-->

			<!--[Required] Parameter ACCEPT_EULA specifies if you want to accept the Veeam license agreement. Specify '1' to accept the license agreement and proceed with installation or upgrade-->
				<!--Supported values: 0/1-->
				<property name="ACCEPT_EULA" value="1" />

			<!--[Required] Parameter ACCEPT_LICENSING_POLICY specifies if you want to accept Veeam licensing policy. Specify '1' to accept the licensing policy and proceed with installation or upgrade-->
				<!--Supported values: 0/1-->
				<property name="ACCEPT_LICENSING_POLICY" value="1" />

			<!--[Required] Parameter ACCEPT_THIRDPARTY_LICENSES specifies if you want to accept all the 3rd party licenses used. Specify '1' to accept the license agreements and proceed with installation or upgrade-->
				<!--Supported values: 0/1-->
				<property name="ACCEPT_THIRDPARTY_LICENSES" value="1" />

			<!--[Required] Parameter ACCEPT_REQUIRED_SOFTWARE specifies if you want to accept all the required software licenses. Specify '1' to accept the license agreements and proceed with installation or upgrade-->
				<!--Supported values: 0/1-->
				<property name="ACCEPT_REQUIRED_SOFTWARE" value="1" />

		<!--License file-->
		<!--Specify path to a license file and autoupdate option-->

			<!--[Optional] Parameter VBR_LICENSE_FILE specifies a full path to the license file. If you do not specify this parameter(or leave it empty value), Veeam Backup & Replication will be installed using current license file. To install Community Edition it must be set to 0-->
				<!--Supported values: file path/0(to install CE)-->    
				<property name="VBR_LICENSE_FILE" value="C:\Install\Licencia\Veeam-2sockets-suite-subscription.lic" />

			<!--[Optional] Parameter VBR_LICENSE_AUTOUPDATE specifies if you want to update license automatically(enables usage reporting). If you do not specify this parameter, autoupdate will be enabled. For Community Edition, NFR and Evaluation licenses it must be set to 1. For licenses without license ID information it must be set to 0-->
				<!--Supported values: 0/1-->
				<property name="VBR_LICENSE_AUTOUPDATE" value="0" />

		<!--Service account-->

			<!--[Optional] Parameter VBR_SERVICE_PASSWORD specifies a password for the account under which the Veeam Backup Service is running. Required during upgrade if service account is not LocalSystem account-->
			<!--Make sure you keep the answer file in a safe location whenever service account password is added to the answer file-->
				<!--Supported values: password in plain text-->
				<property name="VBR_SERVICE_PASSWORD" value="" hidden="1"/>

		<!--Database configuration-->
		<!--Specify database server installation options and required configuration parameters for Veeam Backup & Replication database-->

			<!--[Optional] Parameter VBR_SQLSERVER_PASSWORD specifies a password to connect to the SQL server in the native authentication mode-->
			<!--Make sure you keep the answer file in a safe location whenever SQL server account password is added to the answer file-->
				<!--Supported values: password in plain text-->
				<property name="VBR_SQLSERVER_PASSWORD" value="" hidden="1"/>

		<!--Automatic update settings-->
		<!--Specify Veeam B&R autoupdate settings-->

			<!--[Optional] Parameter VBR_AUTO_UPGRADE specifies if you want Veeam Backup & Replication to automatically upgrade existing components in the backup infrastructure. If you do not specify this parameter, Veeam Backup & Replication will not upgrade out of date components automatically-->
				<!--Supported values: 0/1-->
				<property name="VBR_AUTO_UPGRADE" value="1" />

		<!--Setup settings-->
		<!--Specify additional setup settings-->

			<!--[Optional] Parameter REBOOT_IF_REQUIRED forces target server reboot, whenever it is required. If you do not specify this parameter, reboot is not performed automatically. Keep in mind that upgrade procedure will not be restarted after reboot-->
				<!--Supported values: 0/1-->
				<property name="REBOOT_IF_REQUIRED" value="1" />



Samuraj wrote:
stmusil wrote:

Oboje v článku zmiňuji, ale máš tu i další odkazy, tak je tam doplním ;-).

Mozno by som este doplnil riesenie “problemu” (pripojenie na DB), ktory nastane v pripade, ze sa upgrade robi pod inym uctom ako pod tym, ktory robil samotnu instalaciu. 


Blizsie info: Upgrade v12.0 -> v12.1 - R&D Forums (
