AndySmall wrote:
So, I’m going to be working on rebuilding our repos to be Linux repos to leverage the new security in V11.
If you were going to build a repo for 15 TB drives running on VSphere 6.7. Ubuntu. These will provide back up copies to 5 customers each.
I can look at what the specs are but I want to know what you all think.
Thanks all :)
Hi Andy,
Immutability is just a flag that will be set so the recommendations for sizing an XFS system will stand. If you haven’t seen it already is an awesome site that includes industry based best practices and sizing guides.
If you scale in line with best practice (1 CPU + 4GB RAM per concurrent task slot) then this will help maintain performance.
The main questions are around concurrency of tasks as you’ve mentioned multiple customers so they may contend for resources frequently, this will have an impact on IO and network especially.
A final thing I’d like to add is just like the hardware certification that you go through between vendor and VMWare/Microsoft, there also exists a certified hardware list for Ubuntu, I’d strongly recommend you consult this for your repository design. (