Kasten K10 Immutable backups offsite with BackBlaze

  • 9 March 2024
  • 1 comment

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Today we are going to create a Kasten backup to an immutable Backblaze Bucket in the cloud.

Login to your Backblaze account and create the immutable Bucket:

Create a Bucket

I will name it kastenimmutable:

Enable Object Lock

Make sure to jot done the endpoint:


Next we need to add an application key:

Application Key
Kasten Key
App Key

Now lets head back to Kasten and create the location Profile:


Location Profile

Further down check mark the “Enable Immutable Backups” box and proceed to validate the bucket:


We forgot to put a default retention on the bucket. Kasten requires a 21 day default retention set on the bucket:


Back in the Backblaze console click the Object Lock Highlighted text and add the retention:

21 days
Object Lock now states Default 21 Days

Now our validation succeeds:

Location Profile

Now we will create a new backup and export the snapshot to our Backblaze immutable bucket:

Create a Policy

In the policy make sure to enable Backups via Snapshot Exports and point to our Backblaze location:

Export Snapshots

Finally run the policy:


That’s it, our policy is now safely backed up offsite in an immutable bucket!

1 comment

Userlevel 7
Badge +20

This is always so interesting and I really need to start working with Kasten.  😂
