Does the Veeam Media Creation tool depend on the host OS when creating the bootable ISO or does the Veeam Media Creation tool contain everything it needs?
None of the ISO’s that are created on Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 24H2 PC’s can connect to the Veeam backup server to perform a Bare Metal Recovery but they can ping the server’s name and IP when using Tools → Command Prompt.
I posted detailed info, with the errors, here:
I’m wondering if the IoT edition of Windows (or maybe version 24H2 in general) doesn’t come with something, that other Windows editions/versions do come with, that’s required during the media creation process.
Has anyone else ran into this issue or know how to troubleshoot to find out specifically why the connection to the B&R server is not being made?
Below is an image which shows and odd build number of Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 24H2:

Below is an image which shows the build number in a format that I’m used to seeing:

The ISO built on Windows 11 Enterprise 22H2, depicted above, does not suffer from this issue.