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Create Account Veeam

Hi, I already create an account for my client and then they should send an email of invitation link to my client email address but my client do not received the invitation link. The next step is create password for the account but I cannot proceed to the next step because my client do not received the invitation link email.

I tried to re-register using the same email address but it said the email already been used. There is an option to restore access to your account, I click the option and it asked an email address. I put my client email address, but it said “Failed to send”. Is there anything I can do to login to my client account?

Best answer by regnor

Did you check if the email from Veeam was blocked by Antispam or did get redirected into quarantine? Also how long did you wait for the email to arrive?

In case you don’t find the email, I would suggest that you open a case at You can use a different, working account and select ‘General Inquiry’.


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If it is the first user account, then make sure the email ID is the same email registered in Veeam License

  • Veeam MVP
  • March 3, 2023

Did you check if the email from Veeam was blocked by Antispam or did get redirected into quarantine? Also how long did you wait for the email to arrive?

In case you don’t find the email, I would suggest that you open a case at You can use a different, working account and select ‘General Inquiry’.

