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Powershell script - SQL Automated restore with NDF handling

  • Not a newbie anymore

Hello there,

I have a customer who wanted to restore some DBs multiple time per month from production to different stages (dev, test ...) and doesn’t want to delegate the rights with EM or to the console to the devs (surprised Pikachu face). Nor spend hours behind their screen to do it themselves. So i created a script that can be scheduled (windows task) or triggered with their own automation tool.

As the source databases are split with multiple NDF I had to figure it out. So here it is, it's far from "State of the Art" script but it does the job.

(I have a "vaulted" version that can pick credentials from an encrypted file but I'm not that happy with it so here is the script without it. Feel free to improve it.)

# Restore a specified SQL database to a specified folder on the same or different server, rename it, add it to an availability group.
# Used, for example, to "restage" the prod database to Dev/Qual
# Created by Christian Bocquet - on 11.07.2022
# V3 for V11 and improvments, handling multiple NDF files
#See for more options
# Variables to define per SQL Database to restore
$varvbrserver		             			= "Your VBR FQDN or IP"
$varsource_vm         	         		= "SOURCE VM NAME"
$varsource_db_name  	        	    = "Databasename"
$varsource_instance_name     	    = "SOURCE INSTANCE"
$vartarget_db_name_extension    = "SUFFIX YOU WANT"
$vartarget_availability          	    = "AVAILABILITYGROUP"
$vartarget_vm          	         		= "TARGET VMNAME"
$vartarget_instance    	         	    = "TARGET INSTANCE"
$vartarget_foldermdf	         	    = "DRIVE:\DATAPATH\"
$vartarget_folderndf	         			= "DRIVE:\DATAPATH\"
$vartarget_folderldf	         			= "DRIVE:\LOGPATH\"
#Try to connect to the proper VBR server (yeah there is a small bug that will be corrected in v12)
try {
    Connect-VBRServer -Server $varvbrserver
} catch {
    "Connect-VBRServer : Execution environment cannot be initialized to Remote" 
# We define the restored database name and files name for primary files (MDF and LDF)
$vartarget_database    				    = "{0}{1}" -f $varsource_db_name, $vartarget_db_name_extension
$vartarget_mdf		    					= "{0}{1}{2}" -f $vartarget_foldermdf, $vartarget_database,".mdf"
$vartarget_ldf		    					= "{0}{1}{2}" -f $vartarget_folderldf, $vartarget_database,".ldf"
#Get the latest restore point for the selected VM and start a restore session
$varrestorepoint        					= Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -SQL | ? Name -match "^$varsource_vm" | Sort-Object –Property CreationTime –Descending | Select -First 1
Start-VESQLRestoreSession -RestorePoint $varrestorepoint
#Get the restore session running
$varsession 									= Get-VESQLRestoreSession
#Try to get the specified database from the last session
try {
    $vardatabase 							= Get-VESQLDatabase -Session $varsession[0] -Name $varsource_db_name -InstanceName $varsource_instance_name
} catch {
    "Couldnt find database" 
#Obtain SQL files list from the backup
$vartarget_files 							= Get-VESQLDatabaseFile -Database $vardatabase
#Define the path for the primary files (MDF and LDF)
[String[]]$vartarget_path 		    = @($vartarget_mdf, $vartarget_ldf)
#If NDF files exists then add them to the destination path and increment the name of the files
for(($i=2), ($n=1); $i -lt $vartarget_files.Length; ($i++), ($n++)) { [String[]]$vartarget_path += "{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}" -f $vartarget_folderndf, $vartarget_database, "_", $n, ".ndf" }
#Show on the server what we are doing
write-host "Session: $varsession"
write-host "Database: $vardatabase"
write-host "Restorepoint :" $ $varrestorepoint.CreationTime
write-host "Target server / Instance / Availability Group : $vartarget_vm / $varsource_instance_name / $vartarget_availability"
write-host "Target files : $vartarget_path"
#Indicate the start time of the restore
write-host "Restore start time:"
#Restore the SQL Database to the designed SQL server with the defined settings, will overwrite existing database if the name already exist.
Restore-VESQLDatabase -Database $vardatabase -databasename $vartarget_database -ServerName $vartarget_vm -AvailabilityGroupName $vartarget_availability -InstanceName $vartarget_instance -File $vartarget_files -TargetPath $vartarget_path -Force 
#Post processing and cleaning
#Stop the session
Stop-VESQLRestoreSession -Session $varsession[0]
#Clean the variables
#Indicate the end time
write-host "Restore end time:"
#Disconnect VBR


1 comment

  • New Here
  • 1 comment
  • September 21, 2022

Hello vChris , I'm using your script, but it's giving error in the variable "vardabase"
