In this topic I would like to cover the steps to change the default Veeam Backup for Azure worker disk size.
There are some scenarios where you need to increase the volume size of the worker depending on the size of your protected VM.
This change must be done via restAPI, so one of the options we have is using Swagger, which is the restAPI tool built-in the VB for Azure appliance.
You can refer to this page on user guide to find detailed steps to authenticate Swagger.
As soon as you are properly authenticated in Swagger you need to find and expand the Workers method:

Locate the endpoint: api/v4/workers/profiles/{regionId} and click on Try it Out

In the request body, these are some of the parameters you can use:

In this case we will not configure worker profiles per VM size, so we will use only the Simple type and Archive type since they are mandatory if not using different profiles.
You can find more information about worker profiles here.
Fill out the body request as follows:
"minInstances": 1,
"maxInstances": 5,
"regionId": "eastus",
"virtualMachineSimpleType": "Standard_F2s_v2",
"virtualMachineArchiveType": "Standard_F2s_v2",
"normalWorkerDataDiskEnabled": "True",
"normalWorkerDataDiskSizeInGb": "50"

In the example above the worker data disk will be 50GB.
In case you want to change the disk size for Archive Workers, you will want to use these parameters:
"minInstances": 1,
"maxInstances": 5,
"regionId": "eastus",
"virtualMachineSimpleType": "Standard_F2s_v2",
"virtualMachineArchiveType": "Standard_F2s_v2",
"archiveWorkerDataDiskEnabled": "True",
"archiveWorkerDataDiskSizeInGb": "50"
You can also increase for both workers (Archive and Normal):
"minInstances": 1,
"maxInstances": 5,
"regionId": "eastus",
"virtualMachineSimpleType": "Standard_F2s_v2",
"virtualMachineArchiveType": "Standard_F2s_v2",
"normalWorkerDataDiskEnabled": "True",
"normalWorkerDataDiskSizeInGb": "50",
"archiveWorkerDataDiskEnabled": "True",
"archiveWorkerDataDiskSizeInGb": "50"
NOTE: The parameters minInstances, maxInstances, regionId, virtualMachineSimpeType and virtualMachineArchiveType are mandatory. Even if you don't want to change the number of instances or the worker type, you must fill it out.
The expected response is 200 series, showing success:

You can now start a policy to force a Worker deployment, in the Workers settings we can see the instance being created:

Checking the Azure virtual machine you can see the 50GB data disk size: