As-Build Report Veeam - Guide for an easy installation

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi All,

I can share my As-Build Report Veeam guide for an easy installation and a good results 😁 !




Veeam Server License requirements: Community edition will not be supported.

Needed installed: Veeam Backup Console installed with same version of Veeam server


Installation steps from PS admin shell:

PS> Get-Module -Name Veeam.Backup.PowerShell -ListAvailable                                     

PS> Install-Module PScriboCharts

PS> Import-Module PScriboCharts                                                                 

PS> Find-Module -Name AsBuiltReport.* -Repository PSGallery

PS> Install-Module -Name 'AsBuiltReport.Core' -Repository 'PSGallery' -Scope 'CurrentUser'

PS> $env:PSModulePath

PS> $path = (Get-Module -Name AsBuiltReport.Core -ListAvailable).ModuleBase; Unblock-File -Path $path\*.psd1; Unblock-File -Path $path\Src\Public\*.ps1

Verify if PS Veeam module is installed:

PS> Get-Module -Name Veeam.Backup.PowerShell -ListAvailable

PS> Install-Module -Name AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR

PS> Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name @(‘Veeam.Backup.PowerShell’,‘AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR’,‘AsBuiltReport.Core’)

Attending result:


Configure report options for use with -Verbose option to Allows you to set the technical parameters of the report, such as the type of data collected:

PS> New-AsBuiltReportConfig Veeam.VBR -FolderPath C:\VeeamReports

After confirm message, you can change name to CustomReportConf.json

Now you can edit custom report .json file.


Default configuration for Veeam server joined into domain is:

When the Veeam Server are In Workgroup need edit .json file and change with:

Now we are ready to execute Report command from Veeam Backup Console, PowerShell Console:


PS command line for Veeam server in Workgroup (change red text):


New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target -Username\administrator -Password P@ssw0rd -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath 'C:\VeeamReports' -ReportConfigFilePath C:\VeeamReports\CustomReportConf.json -Verbose


PS command line for Veeam server joined to AD domain (change red text):


New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target veeam-vbr.contoso.local -Username contoso\veeam_admin -Password P@ssw0rd -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath C:\VeeamReports


This command line create 2 reports in Word and HTML format.

Enjoy Veeam reports !


Hi Christopher,

When this error appears, does the script abruptly terminate without generating the report or is it completely generated and it is just a warning message?

Have a nice day.

Userlevel 7
Badge +20


I’m using a Rental license on a Veeam Server. The license typ is Enterprise plus.

While running the report I got the following message:

“New-AsBuiltReport : Current license does not allow this operation”

Is there a way to get rid of these error?



Which report were you trying to run and what switches?  That is odd as I use the same license type and never have this issue running the utility.

Userlevel 2



Hi Christopher,

When this error appears, does the script abruptly terminate without generating the report or is it completely generated and it is just a warning message?

Have a nice day.

Hello Jonathan,

the script will terminate and no report is generated.


Here you can see the output on the powershell console:

 <       As Built Report Configuration      > 
Would you like to save the As Built Report configuration file? (y/n): n
Please wait while the Veeam VBR As Built Report is being generated.
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:480 ] [ Document ] - Please refer to the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR github website for more detailed information about this project.
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:496 ] [ Document ] - Do not forget to update your report configuration file after each new version release.
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:496 ] [ Document ] - Documentation:
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:496 ] [ Document ] - Issues or bug reporting:
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:558 ] [ Document ] - AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR 0.8.4 is currently installed.
WARNUNG: [ 14:12:04:433 ] [ Document ] - Malware Detection Exclusions Section: Das Argument kann nicht an den Parameter "Rows" gebunden werden, da es sich um eine leere Auflistung handelt.
WARNUNG: [ 14:12:04:449 ] [ Document ] - VM Exclusions Section: Das Argument kann nicht an den Parameter "Rows" gebunden werden, da es sich um eine leere Auflistung handelt.
WARNUNG: [ 14:12:40:402 ] [ Document ] - Inventory Summary Section: Current license does not allow this operation
New-AsBuiltReport : Current license does not allow this operation
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target veeam-backup -Username '. ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-AsBuiltReport



Userlevel 2


I’m using a Rental license on a Veeam Server. The license typ is Enterprise plus.

While running the report I got the following message:

“New-AsBuiltReport : Current license does not allow this operation”

Is there a way to get rid of these error?



Which report were you trying to run and what switches?  That is odd as I use the same license type and never have this issue running the utility.


Hi Chris,

here you can see the report command:

New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target veeam-backup -Username '.\xxxxxx' -Password 'xxxxxxxx' -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath 'G:\Report' -Timestamp


It’s good to here that it’s running in your environment.




Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Your license has not expired, has it?  I would not think so but wonder if it does a check when running the report or something?  I have not studied it in depth but wondered.  Hopefully @jcolonfzenpr can answer.



Hi Christopher,

When this error appears, does the script abruptly terminate without generating the report or is it completely generated and it is just a warning message?

Have a nice day.

Hello Jonathan,

the script will terminate and no report is generated.


Here you can see the output on the powershell console:

 <       As Built Report Configuration      > 
Would you like to save the As Built Report configuration file? (y/n): n
Please wait while the Veeam VBR As Built Report is being generated.
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:480 ] [ Document ] - Please refer to the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR github website for more detailed information about this project.
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:496 ] [ Document ] - Do not forget to update your report configuration file after each new version release.
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:496 ] [ Document ] - Documentation:
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:496 ] [ Document ] - Issues or bug reporting:
WARNUNG: [ 14:11:19:558 ] [ Document ] - AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VBR 0.8.4 is currently installed.
WARNUNG: [ 14:12:04:433 ] [ Document ] - Malware Detection Exclusions Section: Das Argument kann nicht an den Parameter "Rows" gebunden werden, da es sich um eine leere Auflistung handelt.
WARNUNG: [ 14:12:04:449 ] [ Document ] - VM Exclusions Section: Das Argument kann nicht an den Parameter "Rows" gebunden werden, da es sich um eine leere Auflistung handelt.
WARNUNG: [ 14:12:40:402 ] [ Document ] - Inventory Summary Section: Current license does not allow this operation
New-AsBuiltReport : Current license does not allow this operation
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target veeam-backup -Username '. ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-AsBuiltReport



This two warning messages will be fixed in the next release

WARNUNG: [ 14:12:04:433 ] [ Document ] - Malware Detection Exclusions Section: Das Argument kann nicht an den Parameter "Rows" gebunden werden, da es sich um eine leere Auflistung handelt.
WARNUNG: [ 14:12:04:449 ] [ Document ] - VM Exclusions Section: Das Argument kann nicht an den Parameter "Rows" gebunden werden, da es sich um eine leere Auflistung handelt.


The ErrorException is obviously a bug! I will be analyzing the code and let you know the result.

WARNUNG: [ 14:12:40:402 ] [ Document ] - Inventory Summary Section: Current license does not allow this operation


Your license has not expired, has it?  I would not think so but wonder if it does a check when running the report or something?  I have not studied it in depth but wondered.  Hopefully @jcolonfzenpr can answer.

Yeah, it would be good to validate that the license is not expired.

Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Your license has not expired, has it?  I would not think so but wonder if it does a check when running the report or something?  I have not studied it in depth but wondered.  Hopefully @jcolonfzenpr can answer.

Yeah, it would be good to validate that the license is not expired.

Thanks, was just a thought and maybe not relevant but I check everything.  😁


Can you run the following commands so I can determine which cmdlet is causing the error?

# Connect to VBR server

Connect-VBRServer -Server veeam-backup.domain.local -User "username" -Password "password"



Userlevel 2


Can you run the following commands so I can determine which cmdlet is causing the error?

# Connect to VBR server

Connect-VBRServer -Server veeam-backup.domain.local -User "username" -Password "password"




Hi Jonathan,

here is the actual output.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Connect-VBRServer -Server veeam-backup -User "xxx" -Password "xxx"

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRNASServer
WARNUNG: This cmdlet is obsolete, use Get-VBRUnstructuredServer instead.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRUnstructuredServer

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRProtectionGroup
Get-VBRProtectionGroup : Current license does not allow this operation
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ Get-VBRProtectionGroup
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-VBRProtectionGroup], LicenseException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ComponentModel.LicenseException,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Cmdlets.GetVBRProtectionGroup

Userlevel 2

Your license has not expired, has it?  I would not think so but wonder if it does a check when running the report or something?  I have not studied it in depth but wondered.  Hopefully @jcolonfzenpr can answer.

Yeah, it would be good to validate that the license is not expired.

Thanks, was just a thought and maybe not relevant but I check everything.  😁

Hi Chris,


the license will expire in 6 month. ;-)




Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Thanks.  So it seems the VBR protection group is the one causing the license message. I am sure @jcolonfzenpr will sort you out.


Can you run the following commands so I can determine which cmdlet is causing the error?

# Connect to VBR server

Connect-VBRServer -Server veeam-backup.domain.local -User "username" -Password "password"




Hi Jonathan,

here is the actual output.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Connect-VBRServer -Server veeam-backup -User "xxx" -Password "xxx"

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRNASServer
WARNUNG: This cmdlet is obsolete, use Get-VBRUnstructuredServer instead.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRUnstructuredServer

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRProtectionGroup
Get-VBRProtectionGroup : Current license does not allow this operation
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ Get-VBRProtectionGroup
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-VBRProtectionGroup], LicenseException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ComponentModel.LicenseException,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Cmdlets.GetVBRProtectionGroup


Thank you for helping us with finding the problematic powershell cmdlet.

Until I can find a solution, you can generate a ReportConfig so that the entire inventory section can be disabled.

New-AsBuiltReportConfig -Report Veeam.VBR -FolderPath <User specified folder> -Filename <Optional>

After generating the ReportConfig json file open it and set all values in the Inventory section to 0.


Then run the report with the -ReportConfigFilePath <Path> option.

New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VBR -Target veeam-backup -Username '.\xxxxxx' -Password 'xxxxxxxx' -Format Html,Word -OutputFolderPath 'G:\Report' -Timestamp -ReportConfigFilePath <Json Path>

Ironically the Get-VBRProtectionGroup command is not supposed to cause any issue with the report because I am running it inside a try/catch statement but like everything in IT... Murphy's law is always after us.

Have a good day!

Userlevel 7
Badge +20

I will keep this in mind if I run into this issue but have not so far.


Can you run the following commands so I can determine which cmdlet is causing the error?

# Connect to VBR server

Connect-VBRServer -Server veeam-backup.domain.local -User "username" -Password "password"




Hi Jonathan,

here is the actual output.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Connect-VBRServer -Server veeam-backup -User "xxx" -Password "xxx"

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRNASServer
WARNUNG: This cmdlet is obsolete, use Get-VBRUnstructuredServer instead.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRUnstructuredServer

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VBRProtectionGroup
Get-VBRProtectionGroup : Current license does not allow this operation
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ Get-VBRProtectionGroup
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-VBRProtectionGroup], LicenseException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ComponentModel.LicenseException,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Cmdlets.GetVBRProtectionGroup


Just to let you know that in version 0.8.5 the bug has been fixed and added many many new features!

## [0.8.5] - 2024-03-15

### Added

- Added Option => History section
- Improved Role & Users section
  - Added Global MFA settings
  - Added Auto logoff on inactivity setting
  - Added Four-eye Authorization setting
  - Added HealthCheck conditions
- Added Backup Time Duration table to the Jobs Summary. Close [#144](
- Added Restore point reporting. Close [#143](
- Added Automatically disable Windows Firewall option to the SureBackup verification section

### Changed

- Removed Graphviz install check code. (No need to manually install Graphviz)
- Code Cleanup
- Increased Veeam.Diagrammer module requirement to v0.5.9

### Fixed

- Improved error handling on the Diagram section.
- Fixed issue with the Veeam.Diagrammer module.
- Resolved issue that prevented SureBackup Virtual Lab information to be collected. Fix [#142](
- Resolved issue in the Malware Global Exclusions section. Fix [#145](
- Resolved an issue related to Protection Group licensing. Fix [#146](



Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Very nice updates and additions.  Time to test this new release.  😎
