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Hello everyone,


First of all, I would like to ask my community because I am not fully familiar with Yara rules. When scanning for Malware Detection with Yara rules, can you see which files have Malware in which locations with Yara Rules? When I do a direct Malware scan, if there is malware, it shows the machine under the malware tab but does not give details. What can I do for more details here Hello everyone,

You can check out how Yara scans work in Veeam from here - YARA Scan for Scan Backup - User Guide for VMware vSphere (

There is a section on viewing the results under the main heading which shows you where the log files are located - 

Full logs of the scan are stored on the mount server in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\FLRSessions\Windows\FLR__<machinename>_\Antivirus
