Hello everyone, as per my previous post.
How to atomate & schedule Veeam.Backup.Validator.exe | Veeam Community Resource Hub
I am proceeding as promised to update the schedulable veeam validator script. enjoiy
# Veeam Backup Validator - v.2.0 18-10-2024
## > veeam-BackupValidator2.ps1 <jobName> <serverName> <Switch>
# Switch:
# -noTicket -> does not send mail to your system ticketing\servicedesk after Validate is completed
# e.g.
# > veeam-BackupValidator2.ps1 ‘Yout-Job-name-01’ ‘Yout-Job-name-02’ -notTicket no mail
# Astring] $customer = "YOUR CUSTOMER NAME",
string] $jobName = '*',
string] $serverName = '*',
switch] $noTicket
## -- Enter the customer name identifier here ($customer = "YOUR CUSTOMER NAME") --
$customer = "YOUR CUSTOMER NAME"
$email_infoTO = "youtmail@yourdomain.com"
$email_infoFrom = "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)@iyourdomain.com"
$email_infoServer = "your.smtp.com"
$email_subject = "i$customer] Backup Validation"
$logfolder = "$PSScriptRoot"
## ---- Function ----
Function LogWrite {
Param (rstring]$logString,
SString] $type = "INFO",
"bool] $savefile = $true
$foregroundColor = "white"
if ($type -like "INFO") {$foregroundColor = "white"}
if ($type -like "ERROR") {$foregroundColor = "red"}
if ($type -like "WARNING") {$foregroundColor = "yellow"}
if ($type -like "POSITIVE"){$foregroundColor = "green"}
$date = get-date -Format HH:mm:ss
$logString = "$$type]i$date]: $logString"
if ($savefile){Add-content $mylogfile -value $logString}
write-host $logString -ForegroundColor $foregroundColor
## ---- Main ----
If ($jobName -eq '*') {
$backups = Get-VBRBackup
} else {
$backups = Get-VBRBackup -Name $jobName
If ($serverName -ne '*') {
$serverNameFull = "$jobName - $serverName"
} else {
$serverNameFull = '*'
$startDate = $(Get-Date -UFormat "%m-%d-%Y_%H%M")
$OutputFile = "$logfolder\VeeamValidation_$startDate.html"
$mylogfile = "$logfolder\VeeamValidation_$startDate.log"
$serverNameError = $false
LogWrite "$startDate"
LogWrite "Job Name: $jobName"
LogWrite "Server Name: $serverName"
LogWrite "No Ticket switch: $noTicket"
if ($backups) {
foreach ($backup in $backups) {
$child_backups = $backup.FindChildBackups()
ForEach ($sub_child in $child_backups) {
$jobNameSubChild = $sub_child.name
If (($serverNameFull -eq '*') -or ($serverNameFull -eq $jobNameSubChild)) {
$id = $sub_child.Id
$jobNameSubChild = $jobNameSubChild -replace ' ',''
$jobNameSubChild = $jobNameSubChild -replace '\\','#'
$tempFile = "$logfolder\Validation_$jobNameSubChild.html"
LogWrite "Validation_$jobNameSubChild"
#Launch validation
Set-Location "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup\"
$validateResult = "POSITIVE"
$validateError = "OK"
try { cmd.exe /c "Veeam.Backup.Validator.exe /backup:$id /report:$tempFile /format:html" }
catch { $validateResult = "ERROR"
$validateError = $_ }
LogWrite "Validate -> $validateError" "$validateResult"
} else {
LogWrite "Server Name not Found" "ERROR"
$serverNameError = $true
Set-Location $logfolder
if ($serverNameError -eq $false) {
Get-ChildItem "Validation_*.html" | sort | Get-Content | Set-Content $OutputFile
$html = rstring]$(Get-Content $OutputFile)
if ($noTicket -eq $false) {
$mailResult = "POSITIVE"
$mailError = "OK"
try { send-mailmessage -SmtpServer $email_infoServer -to $email_infoTO -from $email_infoFrom -subject $email_subject -body $html -BodyAsHtml -ErrorAction Stop }
catch { $mailResult = "ERROR"
$mailError = $_ }
LogWrite "Mail Sent -> $mailError" "$mailResult"
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
# Delete files
LogWrite "Delete temp files"
Get-ChildItem "Validation_*.html" | Remove-Item -Force
# Delete files older than the $limit
LogWrite "Delete files older than $limit"
Get-ChildItem VeeamValidation*.html | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.CreationTime -lt $limit } | Remove-Item -Force
Get-ChildItem VeeamValidation_*.log | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.CreationTime -lt $limit } | Remove-Item -Force
LogWrite "File Removed"
} else {
LogWrite "Job Name not Found" "ERROR"
$endDate = $(Get-Date -uformat "%m-%d-%Y_%H:%M")
LogWrite "$endDate"
LogWrite "--------------------------------"