I’ve been using Veeam to back up a client’s servers, so decided to try out the Linux client on a little server of my own.
The server is running:
Debian GNU/Linux 11 bullseye (x86-64)
The kernel version is:
Linux 5.10.0-23-amd64 x86_64
Configuration went fine. But when I try to run the backup job, I get the following output:
17:29:15 Job BackupName started at 2023-08-25 23:29:15 UTC
17:29:15 Preparing to backup
17:29:16 [error] Failed to create volume snapshot
17:29:16 [error] Failed to take volume snapshot
17:29:16 [error] Failed to perform backup
17:29:16 [error] Neither [blksnap] nor [veeamsnap] module was found
17:29:16 [error] Processing finished with errors at 2023-08-25 23:29:16 UTC
I’ve found on article in here that seems to address this somewhat, but didn’t actually help me. I’m not sure what I’m looking for in the logs, or what information would help diagnose what’s going on. I’m very sorry to be so vague. Any help, or even guidance on what would help others help me would be welcome.
Thank you!