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VRO: Restore from Replication, fundamentals and deployment considerations


The overall intent of this article is to consolidate major considerations when it comes to using Veeam Recovery Orchestrator to Recover from a Replication Job.


  • VBR: Veeam Backup & Replication 
  • VRO: Veeam Recovery Orchestrator

Orchestrating recovery from Backup Copies - Use-Case Overview:

  • Below you will see a is common customer design example.
    • Both sites are Active/Active with production virtual workloads being protected with Replication Jobs.

    • (1) VBR server at Site-Z which is the DR location.
    • (2)Backup Proxies at each location.

    • vCenter at Site-Z and vSphere cluster at each location.
    • Agent deployed protecting a physical workload.
    • Our Veeam Transport (Data Mover) service is represented by a (M) icon here for these machines.
    • Our Agent services are represented by a (A), on the VBR server is an Orchestrator Agent, which handles encrypted communications between the two.

  • Backup Proxies:
    • Virtual or Physical Proxy server transporting/source data from the Production vSphere clusters at each location.
  • Enterprise Manager and Veeam Recovery Orchestrator:
    • For this example, we have these management overlay servers in the cloud, it's best when they are not on-prem if a site fails.
    • Even better would be to have VBR (VBR-Z) also in the cloud, but for the sake of common configurations we will leave it at Site-Z.
      • There are also considerations regarding Virtual Labs and testing that will come up in later articles I plan to develop.

Additional Site Recovery Considerations:

  • Replications are for recovering data from one site to another during a critical site failure, we can orchestrate recovery of VMs from Site-A to Site-Z.

  • If Site-Z fails, VBR-Z is sitting on location, Veeam Recovery Orchestrator requires VBR to be online for recovery, as we need access to the policies and repositories.

    • There are ways around this, as previously mentioned having your VBR server in the cloud or witness location.

    • Replicating the VBR server with Veeam and doing a manual recovery of the VM at the other location.

    • Taking a configuration backup of Veeam, having a cold server in-place at Site-A, cloud or witness site to recover the VBR server during an orchestration event.

      • Note: That this failure will cause an increased RTO for a Site-Z failure, Site-A will not be impacted during a critical site failure as VBR will be online.

  • We often use Source and Target to represent taking a workload from Site-A (source) and recovering it to Site-Z (Target) and vice versa.

How do Replications work: (Referencing the above image)

Sourcing Data:

  • VBR-Z has replication policies configured to protect both Site-A and Site-Z.

  • When the replication process starts, Veeam Backup & Replication starts the replication process, very similar to how we source data for backups. We reach out to vSphere (vCenter/ESXi) to take a snapshot of the VM in the policy.

    • We then transfer the data from a source to the target proxy server at the other site, which lands the data in a new .VMDK delta file. 

    • This gives us the ability to have point-in-time restores from stored snapshots at the target location.

Restoring Data:

  • Unlike backup or backup copy, the data is already stored in a Datastore in the target VMware cluster, this gives us the capability to spin up the workload directly on the ESXi host.

  • As mentioned above, we have point-in-time restore capabilities with snapshots. 

Veeam Recovery Orchestrator:

  • It's important to note that for Veeam Recovery Orchestrator (VRO) we are utilizing components created and configured from the Veeam Backup & Replication interface.
  • Veeam Recovery Orchestrator is an additional product and deployment on top of your existing Veeam Backup & Replication server, it connects to your Enterprise Manager and/or VBR instances and creates orchestration overlays.
    • VRO Placement: If you have presence in the cloud, we would recommend that this be placed in the cloud or at a Witness location.
    • Additional considerations: Veeam University (VU) 
  • VMware Tagging: A popular but very important aspect of our Veeam product when grouping and categorizing workloads to protect and in this case grouping of servers for restoration.
    • With Veeam Recovery Orchestrator mapping and grouping your workloads for orchestration, it's best practice to-do so with VMware Tags.

Veeam Recovery Orchestrator Core Components:

  • Recovery Locations: Unlike backup and backup copy recoveries we don't need Recovery Locations for recovery of replicated workloads.

    • The normal Compute, Storage, Network Mapping, and Re-IP configurations are all done in the Replication Job.

    • We will need to create Recovery Plans for Lab Groups, which are separate groupings specific for DataLabs.

      • These Lab Groups are great for taking protected Domain Controllers at a Target location, recovering them from backup to a specified location, which is defined with Recovery Locations.

  • Recovery Plans: A recovery plan is where we select the workloads we will orchestrate and the Recovery Location in which those workloads will be recovered to.

How to Configure VRO for Orchestration of a Test VM from Site-A to Site-Z:

  • Below I am going to walk you through how to configure an example VM recovery of a Site-A VM being recovered to Site-Z.

  • We will configure a Replication Job, VMware Tags, and Recovery Plans.

Replication Job:

  • Login to your Veeam Backup & Replication server, once the application is open, go to the Home tab in the navigation pane on the lefthand side, if not already.

    • At the top ribbon, select Replication Job -> Virtual Machine. (The Wizard will open in the middle of the screen)

  • Once in the New Replication Job Wizard do the following:

    • Name: (IE: Replica_TESTVM_SITE-AtoZ)

      • Advanced Controls:

        • Replica Seeding: If you already have data at location via a backup repository with a Backup Copy job or already have the VM replicated there we can use these during the initial replication.

        • Network remapping: This is for identifying the Target Virtual Port Groups and Networks you will be utilizing when recovering the VM.

        • Replica Re-IP: Generally Network Mapping and Re-IP are chosen together, often the networks at that Target location are different subnet ranges as well.

          • Note: If you have a stretched Layer 2 you may not need remapping or Re-IP.

          • Note: Often, we have customers who replicate their BGP routes and VLAN configurations between sites and allow for a L3 cutover instead.

    • Select your Virtual Machines: For an initial test it's always best to select a new or utility VM for testing.

    • Destination: Chose your Target Host/Cluster, Resource Pools, VM Folder, and Datastores.

    • Network: (Will only be shown if you have remapping selected) - Select your Source and Target networks.

    • Re-IP: (Will only be shown if you have Re-IP is selected) - Select your source and Target networks, Target Gateway, and Target DNS servers.

    • Job Settings: Here you will select your Metadata repository to store job chain information, Replica name suffix and Restore Points to keep.

    • Data Transfer: Source and Proxy are the most important selections here, you should manually select these to ensure no disruption to other policies and workloads.

    • Guest Processing: If required you can do in-guest OS application consistent backups.

    • Schedule: How often are we running this job, you can run it as often as it takes for the job to complete. (This is based on your infrastructure/sizing)

      • I'd recommend once daily for now.

    • Summary: Complete the Wizard, and run the job.

Creating VMware Tags:

  • We need to create at a minimum (1) VMware tags for each Site on our vCenters or single vCenter if it manages both sites.
  • These Tags will be used to define which workloads we plan to recover with our Recovery Plans.
  • Create Tags:
    • In vCenter you will want to go to your menu in the upper left-hand corner and then select (Tags & Custom Attributes) from the list.
    • Create a new Category and name it VRO or something similar.
    • Create (1) New Tags for each location and associate them to the VRO Category you created. (IE: VRO_TESTVM_SITE-A)
      • Note: We don't specifically need these tags for pinpointing workloads to recovery with a Recovery Plan, you can also use the replication job you created.
        • Using the replication job as your indicator on the Recovery Plan is also an option, but will recover all associated workloads.
        • Using VMware tags gives you capabilities to gather workloads potentially protected by different replication jobs.
      • Reference: I would link a VMware article but that might change, so google "What are VMware Tags and How to use them"
  • Associate Tags:
    • Go back to Inventory on the upper left-hand menu in vCenter and find your Compute and Storage to Tag.
    • Associate the TESTVM Tag to a Test server that you have protected with a Backup Job and Backup Copy Job on the VBR server.
  • Updating VRO Inventory:
    • Use the Tags created above, if you don't see them in the VRO inventory, login to the Veeam One Web client (https://VROVM:1239/) and run a rescan from the configuration page.


Creating Recovery Plans:

  • Now that we've created a Recovery Location, we will create a Recovery Plan that will associate to our newly created Recovery Location.
  • Exit Administrator by clicking (Exit Administration) in the upper lefthand corner.
    • On the left-hand side in the Navigation pane click (Recovery Plans), select (Manage), and select (New) 
    • Once in the New Restore Plan Wizard fill out the following:
    • Give a Recovery Plan Name: (IE: VRO_RECOVERY_PLAN_SITE-AtoZ)

    • Plan Type: Select (Replica) plan type.

    • Inventory Groups: This is where we can select the (VRO_TESTVM_SITE-A) Tag we created.

      • Note: You can also select the Replication Job we created as well, tags are best for scaled out deployments.

    • VM Recovery Options: Choose defaults here.
    • VM Steps: Add Ping Test
    • Protect Inventory Groups: Only for reprotection of the Virtual Machine after a commit failover.
    • RTO&RPO: This simply validates whether the protected workloads are achieving these marks for the associated Backup Copy Plan.
    • Report Template: Default
    • Report Scheduling: Default


  • Once you have created your Replication Job, VMware Tags, and your Recovery Plans you are ready to test a replica recovery from Site-A to Site-Z.

    • Note: This is a live recovery and should be taken at your own risk, Veeam is not responsible for any production outages or loss of data for your recovery configurations and actions.


1 comment


Another great article @jdtrier lots of learning with VRO. ðŸ˜Ž
