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How are you using vSphere Tags today?


I’d like to initiate a conversation to talk about vSphere Tag usage, ideas, etc in the context of VRO specifically.

Now in full disclosure, I’ve scoured the web, YouTube, Forums,, etc and I can’t help but think that with the forthcoming adoption of VRO, we have a conversation that is very much needed about the usage of vSphere tags. There really isn’t an industry standard, or best practice recommendation. Yes, our mileage will vary, but as Veeam’s install base for VRO grows, people are going to ask, and I think we should be ready.

First, vSphere Tags are “required” for VMware Recovery Locations. Compute + Storage. This is the minimum requirement for the use of vSphere Tags as far as VRO is concerned. This can as simple as applying a single tag to an ESXi host or vSphere Cluster at the designated recovery location. You could have multiple recovery locations.

  1. Original Location - no vSphere Tags needed.
  2. Original Site, Different Host or Different Cluster - vSphere Tags needed.
  3. Different Site, Different vCenter, etc, vSphere Tags needed.

But I think about all the “other” benefit that can come from this as well. Most people will say “Yes, I know about vSphere Tags, but I don’t use them as much as I could/should/etc.”

So, consider this:

  1. Applying Tags for Applications.
  2. Using a vSphere Tag as the source of B&R jobs.
  3. The use of vSphere Tags can provide tremendous value and lack of burden on the backup administrator if implemented correctly.

How many categories should you have? Here are a few examples.

  1. Category named “Veeam”
  2. Category named “VRO”
  3. Category named “Application Name”
  4. Category named “RPO”
  5. Category named “Job Type”
  6. Category named “Status”
  7. Category named “Storage”
  8. Category named “Service Levels”

How many different tags should you have? Here are a few examples..

  1. App1 Name, App2 Name, etc.
  2. VMware - Agentless
  3. Agent - Windows
  4. Agent - Linux
  5. Backup Copy Job
  6. 8 hour RPO Backup
  7. 8 hour RPO Replication
  8. Platinum DR - 15 minutes
  9. Gold DR - Hourly
  10. Silver DR - Daily
  11. Bronze DR - weekly
  12. Production
  13. Development
  14. Tier-1
  15. Tier-2
  16. Tier-3
  17. Tier-1-with-array-snapshots
  18. Nobackup
  19. No_vmware_backup
  20. Catch-all
  21. Bronze-Backup-Weekly-Veeam
  22. Bronze-Replication-Weekly-Veem
  23. Platinum-Backup-15min
  24. Gold-Backup-1hour
  25. Silver-Backup-Daily
  26. Bronze-Backup-Weekly
  27. Platinum-Replication-15min

If you have read this far, hopefully I’ve caused you to think a little bit.

Do you need multiple vSphere Tags for your VM’s, Apps? Probably…..

App Name, Backup Policy, Replication Policy could get you started.

When you initiate a VMware recovery plan, you have an option to “Restore VM Tags”.

If your existing B&R jobs use “vSphere Tags”, then that greatly reduces the risk of remembering to reprotect the recovered VM’s.

You can create the VRO Template Jobs to do this as well, but I feel like vSphere Tags is a really good option here, but needs some thought. 

So, love the new community! Let’s see how we can collaborate together and share some ideas and experience towards a goal of a set of recommendations that will help Veeam customers protecting vSphere workloads find perhaps a better, simpler way of not only protecting their applications, but also making the life of a Backup Admin a little simpler.

Who’s in???





  • Comes here often
  • February 8, 2024

Thanks for this Tim!  #Tags

  • Product Strategy
  • February 8, 2024

Yes! Love this Tim. When I work with customers that weren’t using tags the question was always well “Why not?” Even in a quick Proof of (V)alue we can show how easy it is to assign tags for VBR and then be able to take advantage of them with Orchestrator! Starting small with a simple tier 1,2,3 was always my proposal and then allow the users to come up with a system that worked for them once they understood how to categorize their VMs for better DR planning! Thanks for the write up!

  • Veeam Legend, Veeam Vanguard
  • February 8, 2024

Tags are the best for backups as we use them all the time.  I appreciate this post so I can look in to tags for VRO now once I get to testing.

  • Veeam Legend
  • February 12, 2024

This is a great reminder to use tags. If the VM churn in the environment is high, tagging greatly simplifies backing them up. No need to worry about adding them to the job manually and makes the environment more flexible. My two cents...
