Hi Team,
We’re using Kasten installed in our Kubernetes cluster via Helm Chart (version 6.5.1)
We’re using Blueprints to back up applications' data either by spinning up Kanister pods (KubeTask function) or using KubeExec and targeting the kanister-sidecar container (if the data cannot be backed up remotely, e.g., using pgdump). The sidecar injection is done automatically by mutating admission webhook.
This works fine until we need to back up a service such as minio. There isn’t a built-in Kanister image for minio in https://github.com/orgs/kanisterio/packages?repo_name=kanister which we could use; we can’t solely use the minio image (for remote `mc cp` between blueprint pod and target minio) since it’s lacking kando/restic binaries for uploading the backup to external storage. We can’t use the sidecar injection either because it’s lacking (to our surprise) tools such as tar, scp or rsync.
We would like to know if it’s possible to change the default image (gcr.io/kasten-images/kanister-tools:6.5.1) for kanister sidecar pods to either:
- image from another public repository
- image from a private repository, which we would build ourselves
We are also not entirely sure if we can use private images in our Blueprint definitions. Other responses mention air-gapped install https://docs.kasten.io/latest/install/offline.html, but in our case, we do have an outbound connection to the Internet, and we only want to pull images used in KubeTask function’s pod from a private repository.
To summarize:
- Can we pull images from private repositories (e.g., ECR) only for Blueprints? If so, what are the respective Helm Chart values to configure?
- Can we change the default Kanister sidecar image to something else, either coming from a public or private registry?
Thanks in advance!