Hello, I want to connect Kasten K10 with S3 Compatible storage with TLS encryption and certificate verification.
If I check the checkbox 'Skip certificate chain and hostname verification', the connection works. However, if I uncheck it, I get an error:
There was a problem validating the profile
failed to get bucket s3-backup: GetBucketLocation: RequestError: send request failed caused by: Get "https://qwe.qwe.qwe:9021/s3-backup?location=": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match qwe.qwe.qwe
I have downloaded the certificate from https://qwe.qwe.qwe:9021 and added it to the YAML file of the Kasten K10 instance (custom-ca-bundle-store).

After making this change, the same error still persists.
Could someone please assist me what I’m doing wrong.
Br, Mike