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Kasten Snapshot Policy failing



we’re curently trying to create a durable snapshot backup with a Postgres pod running on a single node K3s and Longhorn as a volume provider. The backup is failing on the “Exporting RestorePoint” stage with 3 tries. The error displayed in the Kasten UI shows:


Pod failed to become ready in time: Pod did not transition into running state. Timeout:15m0s Namespace:kasten-io, Name:copy-vol-data-vgb85: client rate limiter Wait returned an error: rate: Wait(n=1) would exceed context deadline


Doing a describe of the pod while it’s attempting to come up shows the following:


  Normal   Scheduled           6m45s                  default-scheduler        Successfully assigned kasten-io/copy-vol-data-5kl24 to node
  Warning  FailedAttachVolume  5m37s (x8 over 6m45s)  attachdetach-controller  AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-27883e4b-f9d4-43dd-8fac-565045bf302d" : rpc error: code = Aborted desc = volume pvc-27883e4b-f9d4-43dd-8fac-565045bf302d is not ready for workloads
  Warning  FailedAttachVolume  28s (x3 over 4m33s)    attachdetach-controller  AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-27883e4b-f9d4-43dd-8fac-565045bf302d" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = volume pvc-27883e4b-f9d4-43dd-8fac-565045bf302d failed to attach to node node with attachmentID csi-5e91702a070b2db664a6a7e3ba50e5b37c71b2c440628a746b8bc21ec3a02792: volume pvc-27883e4b-f9d4-43dd-8fac-565045bf302d has already attached to node dell-750-9 with incompatible parameters

Any help on this issue would be much appreciated.

Thank you

1 comment

  • Experienced User
  • March 17, 2024

Hello @vbrizuela 

To initiate the start of the copy-vol-data pod, a PVC is established within the kasten-io namepace. This volume is derived from a cloned snapshot and must be ready and mounted to the copy-vol-data pod.

Based on the error message provided, it appears that the volume creation process might be encountering issues.
It could be pending, not yet created, or facing some other problem. It's essential to investigate why the volume isn't being created and bounded within the kasten-io namespace.

Error Details:

Failed to attach to the node 'node' with attachmentID 'csi-5e91702a070b2db664a6a7e3ba50e5b37c71b2c440628a746b8bc21ec3a02792': Volume 'pvc-27883e4b-f9d4-43dd-8fac-565045bf302d' has already been attached to node 'dell-750-9' with incompatible parameters.


Ahmed Hagag
