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Kasten K10 with Active Directory blank UI issue


Hi. I’m trying to get Kasten K10 to work with Active Directory authentication.

Most fields are self-explanatory, however regardless of what I enter for the dashboard URL I cannot get the Kasten UI to load (it works using basicAuth).

Currently the dashboard URL is set to “”, but the page refuses to load.

There are no issues in the auth-service container logs, and the dex container logs also look fine:

time=2024-12-07T13:53:32.886Z level=INFO msg="Version info" dex_version=v2.41.1 go.version="go1.22.7 X:systemcrypto" go.os=linux go.arch=amd64
time=2024-12-07T13:53:32.887Z level=INFO msg="config issuer" issuer=
time=2024-12-07T13:53:32.887Z level=INFO msg="config storage" storage_type=memory
time=2024-12-07T13:53:32.887Z level=INFO msg="config static client" client_name=K10
time=2024-12-07T13:53:32.887Z level=INFO msg="config connector" connector_id=ldap
time=2024-12-07T13:53:32.887Z level=INFO msg="config skipping approval screen"
time=2024-12-07T13:53:32.932Z level=INFO msg="config refresh tokens rotation" enabled=true
time=2024-12-07T13:53:33.267Z level=WARN msg="use \"groupSearch.userMatchers\" option instead of \"userAttr/groupAttr\" fields" connector.type=ldap deprecated=true
time=2024-12-07T13:53:33.282Z level=INFO msg="keys expired, rotating"
time=2024-12-07T13:53:36.905Z level=INFO msg="keys rotated" next_rotation=2024-12-07T19:53:36.905Z
time=2024-12-07T13:53:36.905Z level=INFO msg="listening on" server=http address=

I just cannot understand while the UI won’t load when LDAP authenticaton is enabled.

Do I need to expose the dex service with a LoadBalancer or additional ingress?

Does anyone know whay I might be missing?


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