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Kasten K10 6.0.5 export backup (generic storage) and restore to other cluster failed


I have exported a backup with generic storage from one k3s and when I try to import it and restore it on another k3s the restore create the pv and pvc but failed with this error:

Failure in planned phase
Failed to create PVCs from PVC specs

Cannot prepare Kopia API server
Failed to prepare Kopia API server for Generic Volume Snapshot Restore

Failed to initialize Kopia API server

Failed to connect to the backup


invalid repository password

Failed to exec command in pod: command terminated with exit code 1

the 2 kasten instances have the same location 2 buckets s3 (backup, export) with same keys.

can you help me please ?

Best answer by reynald14


I have resolved the issue the problem was using different bucket s3 for backup and export, if I use the same bucket for both the restore works.


Best regards.

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  • August 28, 2023

I cant speak for k10 if you have a support contract with veeam, but for someone without, the product is certainly entirely unfit for use with existing bugs, useless error labelling and essentially zero community.

Id suggest looking into velero instead.

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  • Answer
  • August 29, 2023


I have resolved the issue the problem was using different bucket s3 for backup and export, if I use the same bucket for both the restore works.


Best regards.

  • Comes here often
  • October 2, 2023

FYI, This error can also be triggered by reinstalling k10 instead of upgrade. k10 stores the encrypted masterKey in catalog and use it to generate the passphrase for kopia repositories. The masterKey and passphrase are generated after each new installation. Reinstalling K10 results in loss of the encryption keys in the catalog and master keys that were being used. Due to this, attempts to connect to old repositories will be rejected. since Kasten manages the Kopia repository encryption keys and stores them in the Kasten catalog. In the case of a complete loss of a cluster or a Kasten deployment, the Kasten catalog can be recovered from a Disaster Recovery backup (DR) provided that the DR option was enabled in Kasten. This recovery process can be done in a cluster with minimal resources, such as Minikube. Then, the various application repositories can be accessed and recovered. Please note downgrading k10 version is needed if the current version is higher than previous version being uninstalled. 
