Hi @Vecteur IT
This service/image is no longer in use, so you shouldn't encounter this error during the upgrade. Which version of K10 are you upgrading from?
Ahmed Hagag
I also encountered the same issue. Just upgraded from 7.0.6 to 7.0.7 and then 7.0.8… and then back to 7.0.7
I tried 7.0.8 and 7.0.9 also, but still no success.
Hi @gavu
This image is a part of state-svc deployment, please scale down this deployment, delete it and upgrade again.
this should be enough.
Ahmed Hagag
Hi Ahmed,
thanks for the fast reply! unfortunately it did not work. Here’s what I did:
- disconnected the app from argocd
- just for testing: ran “helm upgrade --install kasten kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io --values values.yaml --version 7.0.7” to make sure everything still works
- scaled down state-svc
- deleted state-svc
- ran “helm upgrade --install kasten kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io --values values.yaml --version 7.0.8”
state-svc is back, and failing.
Hi @gavu so you mean the upgrade is done without this image error any more but now the state-svc pod is fialing?if so please describe the pod and share the output
kubectl describe pod -l component=state -n kasten-io
Ahmed Hagag
Hi @Hagag,
here’s the requested output after running “helm upgrade --install kasten kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io --values values.yaml --version 7.0.8”
Name: state-svc-7586bb89c9-kw62c
Namespace: kasten-io
Priority: 0
Service Account: kasten-k10
Node: hive02/
Start Time: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 16:19:48 +0200
Labels: app=k10
Annotations: checksum/config: a8572616465aad6f1e4baa4d866bc129e6e07c182ca71639dfc89769660cdb56
checksum/frontend-nginx-config: b2f6e11d3f3eeaf8abf7eb87ccfbe356ca671ece18d258cf7686be8e02f50199
checksum/secret: 4e2c403c91eabfefa5ea85a97a3b709ef42b6c6d35ac5cf96bd3054e7e18b563
Status: Pending
SeccompProfile: RuntimeDefault
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/state-svc-7586bb89c9
Container ID: containerd://a824d3962999a514da79a943c0867218a4ad18ccb7be92915edfb3be3f06f9a5
Image: gcr.io/kasten-images/state:7.0.8
Image ID: gcr.io/kasten-images/state@sha256:575141d899a75117e2cab1b08a2f579cb44ba3de7ae7438a3364bf1140cf3d8d
Port: 8000/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
State: Running
Started: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 16:19:49 +0200
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
cpu: 2m
memory: 30Mi
Liveness: http-get http://:8000/v0/healthz delay=300s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
Readiness: http-get http://:8000/v0/healthz delay=3s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
VERSION: <set to the key 'version' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_HOST_SVC: state
MODEL_STORE_DIR: /tmp/k10store
LOG_LEVEL: <set to the key 'loglevel' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
POD_NAMESPACE: kasten-io (v1:metadata.namespace)
CONCURRENT_SNAP_CONVERSIONS: <set to the key 'concurrentSnapConversions' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
CONCURRENT_WORKLOAD_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'concurrentWorkloadSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_PARALLEL_UPLOAD: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreParallelUpload' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_PARALLEL_DOWNLOAD: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreParallelDownload' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_GENERAL_CONTENT_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreGeneralContentCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_GENERAL_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreGeneralMetadataCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_RESTORE_CONTENT_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreRestoreContentCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_RESTORE_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreRestoreMetadataCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_GENERIC_VOLUME_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'K10LimiterGenericVolumeSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_GENERIC_VOLUME_COPIES: <set to the key 'K10LimiterGenericVolumeCopies' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_GENERIC_VOLUME_RESTORES: <set to the key 'K10LimiterGenericVolumeRestores' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_CSI_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'K10LimiterCsiSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_PROVIDER_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'K10LimiterProviderSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_IMAGE_COPIES: <set to the key 'K10LimiterImageCopies' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_EPHEMERAL_PVC_OVERHEAD: <set to the key 'K10EphemeralPVCOverhead' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_PERSISTENCE_STORAGE_CLASS: <set to the key 'K10PersistenceStorageClass' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_DURATION: <set to the key 'AWSAssumeRoleDuration' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
KANISTER_TOOLS: <set to the key 'KanisterToolsImage' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_RELEASE_NAME: kasten
KANISTER_FUNCTION_VERSION: <set to the key 'kanisterFunctionVersion' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
/mnt/k10-features from k10-features (rw)
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-jvsw8 (ro)
Container ID:
Image: gcr.io/kasten-images/admin:7.0.8
Image ID:
Port: 8001/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
State: Waiting
Reason: ImagePullBackOff
Ready: False
Restart Count: 0
cpu: 2m
memory: 160Mi
Liveness: http-get http://:8001/v0/healthz delay=300s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
Readiness: http-get http://:8001/v0/healthz delay=3s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
VERSION: <set to the key 'version' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_HOST_SVC: state
MODEL_STORE_DIR: <set to the key 'modelstoredirname' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
LOG_LEVEL: <set to the key 'loglevel' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
POD_NAMESPACE: kasten-io (v1:metadata.namespace)
CONCURRENT_SNAP_CONVERSIONS: <set to the key 'concurrentSnapConversions' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
CONCURRENT_WORKLOAD_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'concurrentWorkloadSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_PARALLEL_UPLOAD: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreParallelUpload' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_PARALLEL_DOWNLOAD: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreParallelDownload' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_GENERAL_CONTENT_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreGeneralContentCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_GENERAL_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreGeneralMetadataCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_RESTORE_CONTENT_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreRestoreContentCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_RESTORE_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreRestoreMetadataCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_GENERIC_VOLUME_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'K10LimiterGenericVolumeSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_GENERIC_VOLUME_COPIES: <set to the key 'K10LimiterGenericVolumeCopies' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_GENERIC_VOLUME_RESTORES: <set to the key 'K10LimiterGenericVolumeRestores' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_CSI_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'K10LimiterCsiSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_PROVIDER_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'K10LimiterProviderSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_IMAGE_COPIES: <set to the key 'K10LimiterImageCopies' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_EPHEMERAL_PVC_OVERHEAD: <set to the key 'K10EphemeralPVCOverhead' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_PERSISTENCE_STORAGE_CLASS: <set to the key 'K10PersistenceStorageClass' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_DURATION: <set to the key 'AWSAssumeRoleDuration' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
KANISTER_TOOLS: <set to the key 'KanisterToolsImage' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_RELEASE_NAME: kasten
KANISTER_FUNCTION_VERSION: <set to the key 'kanisterFunctionVersion' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
/mnt/k10-features from k10-features (rw)
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-jvsw8 (ro)
Container ID: containerd://b6e5c595a6a6a01308946e9499fb7c0109ef793b2b826747efed04048561991e
Image: gcr.io/kasten-images/events:7.0.8
Image ID: gcr.io/kasten-images/events@sha256:b12322e6b9c0b2660c6dfa825fd8f1af236696cedf01b1c48bc43cac4a5d9da2
Port: 8002/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
State: Running
Started: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 16:19:50 +0200
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Liveness: http-get http://:8002/v0/healthz delay=300s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
Readiness: http-get http://:8002/v0/healthz delay=3s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
VERSION: <set to the key 'version' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_HOST_SVC: state
MODEL_STORE_DIR: <set to the key 'modelstoredirname' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
LOG_LEVEL: <set to the key 'loglevel' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
POD_NAMESPACE: kasten-io (v1:metadata.namespace)
CONCURRENT_SNAP_CONVERSIONS: <set to the key 'concurrentSnapConversions' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
CONCURRENT_WORKLOAD_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'concurrentWorkloadSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_PARALLEL_UPLOAD: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreParallelUpload' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_PARALLEL_DOWNLOAD: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreParallelDownload' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_GENERAL_CONTENT_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreGeneralContentCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_GENERAL_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreGeneralMetadataCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_RESTORE_CONTENT_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreRestoreContentCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_DATA_STORE_RESTORE_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_MB: <set to the key 'k10DataStoreRestoreMetadataCacheSizeMB' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_GENERIC_VOLUME_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'K10LimiterGenericVolumeSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_GENERIC_VOLUME_COPIES: <set to the key 'K10LimiterGenericVolumeCopies' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_GENERIC_VOLUME_RESTORES: <set to the key 'K10LimiterGenericVolumeRestores' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_CSI_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'K10LimiterCsiSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_PROVIDER_SNAPSHOTS: <set to the key 'K10LimiterProviderSnapshots' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_LIMITER_IMAGE_COPIES: <set to the key 'K10LimiterImageCopies' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_EPHEMERAL_PVC_OVERHEAD: <set to the key 'K10EphemeralPVCOverhead' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_PERSISTENCE_STORAGE_CLASS: <set to the key 'K10PersistenceStorageClass' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_DURATION: <set to the key 'AWSAssumeRoleDuration' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
KANISTER_TOOLS: <set to the key 'KanisterToolsImage' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
K10_RELEASE_NAME: kasten
KANISTER_FUNCTION_VERSION: <set to the key 'kanisterFunctionVersion' of config map 'k10-config'> Optional: false
/mnt/k10-features from k10-features (rw)
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-jvsw8 (ro)
Type Status
PodReadyToStartContainers True
Initialized True
Ready False
ContainersReady False
PodScheduled True
Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
Name: k10-features
Optional: false
Type: Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
TokenExpirationSeconds: 3607
ConfigMapName: kube-root-ca.crt
ConfigMapOptional: <nil>
DownwardAPI: true
QoS Class: Burstable
Node-Selectors: <none>
Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 49s default-scheduler Successfully assigned kasten-io/state-svc-7586bb89c9-kw62c to hive02
Normal Pulling 49s kubelet Pulling image "gcr.io/kasten-images/state:7.0.8"
Normal Pulled 49s kubelet Successfully pulled image "gcr.io/kasten-images/state:7.0.8" in 419ms (419ms including waiting). Image size: 114896174 bytes.
Normal Created 49s kubelet Created container state-svc
Normal Started 49s kubelet Started container state-svc
Normal Pulled 48s kubelet Successfully pulled image "gcr.io/kasten-images/events:7.0.8" in 368ms (368ms including waiting). Image size: 113453441 bytes.
Normal Pulling 48s kubelet Pulling image "gcr.io/kasten-images/events:7.0.8"
Normal Created 48s kubelet Created container events-svc
Normal Started 48s kubelet Started container events-svc
Warning Failed 31s (x2 over 48s) kubelet Failed to pull image "gcr.io/kasten-images/admin:7.0.8": rpc error: code = NotFound desc = failed to pull and unpack image "gcr.io/kasten-images/admin:7.0.8": failed to resolve reference "gcr.io/kasten-images/admin:7.0.8": gcr.io/kasten-images/admin:7.0.8: not found
Warning Failed 31s (x2 over 48s) kubelet Error: ErrImagePull
Normal BackOff 18s (x5 over 47s) kubelet Back-off pulling image "gcr.io/kasten-images/admin:7.0.8"
Warning Failed 18s (x5 over 47s) kubelet Error: ImagePullBackOff
Normal Pulling 7s (x3 over 49s) kubelet Pulling image "gcr.io/kasten-images/admin:7.0.8"
Hi @gavu please share the output of the below command
kubectl get deployments.apps -n kasten-io state-svc -o jsonpath="{range .spec.template.spec.containers}{.image}{'\n'}{end}"
Hi @Hagag,
sure, here it is:
$ kubectl get deployments.apps -n kasten-io state-svc -o jsonpath="{range .spec.template.spec.containers}{.image}{'\n'}{end}"
Hi @Hagag ,
I fixed it. Apparently I used the entire values.yaml file and just customized some values. I removed everything which was “default” and now k10 updated as expected. I guess some older “default” values were deprecated.
Hope this helps someone else too