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Fail export backup Kasten K10 to Blob Azure

  • 19 September 2023
  • 1 comment

Hi guys, good morning, I'm having trouble exporting Kasten K10 Backups to Azure Blob
According to the error:

does anyone know what might be happening and how to resolve it?


Hello @fagner silva 
I noticed that the Kopia client pod named "copy-vol-data" remained in a pending state for 15 minutes, eventually causing the job to time out.

To investigate further, please attempt to re-run the job, and then provide a description of the "copy-vol-data" pod using the following command:

kubectl describe pod copy-vol-data-xxx -n kasten-io

This will help us understand why the pod was stuck in the pending state, and you can also share the output with us for analysis.
