I’m testing Kasten 4.5.8 on a RKE environment 1.21.9 , during the execution of a policy with a Kanister action (PostgreSQL logical backup) if i try to export the backup to both Veeam Backup repository and minIO, i get this error:
Job failed to be executed
Failed to copy artifacts
Failed to get or add Repository artifact
[POST /artifacts:getOrAdd][400] getOrAddArtifactBadRequest &{Message:Bad Request. Cause: Invalid Artifact: Repository Location store must be set.}
If i run the backup policy with only minIO as target, everything works as expected,
Instead if i try to run the policy adding the Veeam Backup Repository, i get the error as above.
as the same, if I delete the Blueprint and I try to export the backup to both minIO and Veeam backup repository, everything works as expected.
I’m wondering if Kasten is trying to upload the Kanister artifact on the Veeam Backup Repository,
If true, it seems very strange by the moment we have defined a minIO object storage for the Kanister action.