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[PowerShell] Veeam ONE notifications via MS Teams and Slack

  • October 21, 2020
  • 1 comment


Veeam ONE is a complete monitoring system for VMware, Hyper-V, Veeam and even at the application level being able to monitor VM services and processes running Microsoft Windows, without the need to install any agent, and all through API.

As @Rick Vanover usually says, Veeam ONE will surely tell us more than one thing about our environment that we don't know, and Rick is right, with several hundred metrics that Veeam ONE collects, added to the several dozen reports that are included by default, Veeam ONE is that co-worker that we all would like to have in our IT team.

Veeam ONE allows you to create notifications for each predetermined alarm or alarms that we create ourselves. While it is true that email notifications are the most basic and the ones we probably configure by default, sadly, it is true that email has become a tool overloaded with daily content, and most likely if a critical alarm falls in a folder or inbox along with 150 other emails, it will not pay the attention it requires.

That's why in the referenced blog post we are going to see how to send the most critical notifications that we have to different channels in Microsoft Teams or Slack, not only because we are all more attentive to these communication tools, but because it is really easy to configure certain alarms depending on their importance and type of alarm, to the most relevant teams to solve and treat the alarm.

At the end of the, very simple instructions, you will be able to see any Veeam ONE Notification, custom o predefined, on your Teams Channel, or Slack Channel, like this:

I hope you like this trick, I know a lot of Community members already leveraging it, and they seem quite happy with it.

1 comment

Rick Vanover
  • October 21, 2020

