@JMeixner Doesn’t matter :) Media Set is purely a _logical construction_. If your goal is to make recovery from your vault as simple as possible, then yes, not having a full would negate this, but in terms of functionality, it will work just fine.
To elaborate, let me repeat how I explain it to Engineers during training:
Think back to when you were a kid; if you were a dork like me, you recorded your saturday morning cartoons on VHS so you could watch them again in the future when boring afternoon shows were on.
Now, you have a bit of an issue with organization here cause you’re a kid and don’t have a lot of money, so you decide to just buy tapes as you need them/can and fill them to the end. This means each tape has multiple Saturdays and really disconnected lists of cartoons. You use your tapes effectively, but it’s very hard to find specific episodes/Saturdays you want to watch again.
Or, you have enough money somehow that you can buy as many tapes as you want, and each Saturday gets its own tape. This is great, because now you can quickly find which Saturday has your favorite cartoons! But, probably a lot of the tapes are not used efficiently and you are spending a lot on tapes.
Ultimately, it comes down to your preference: Convenience for restore (watching cartoons) or using your tapes efficiently.
The restore itself will work _perfectly_ without a full in the media set. But you're going to have to fetch a lot of tapes, which is not always efficient and you might get some surprises as a result when you’re in your most dire need for restore. So it’s purely about how you plan to handle restores from tape, what SLA you agree on, etc. Functionally, Veeam will work the same way.
That being said, I do advise a media set creation schedule that matches your tape rotation schedule for the very reason you mentioned. However, based on available resource, this isn’t always feasible for all people, and that’s fine, Veeam can service them either way :)
For File to Tape (FTT), set a monthly Full schedule: https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/vsphere/files_to_tape_pool.html?ver=110
For Backup to Tape (BTT), this requires a little planning. I think GFS is your best bet here and just set up a monthly tape schedule. If you prefer Backup to Tape, consider what you want to be sent to tape: Just fulls? Fulls and Increments? if you can share your details more, it would help to advise.
Keep in mind the two jobs cannot write to the same tape at the same time, so you will need to plan your job schedule accordingly.