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copy s3 bucket to different region

Heres the scenario:

I have VBR server A with a SOBR that backs up to a local hardened Linux server,  then that offloads to AWS in region us-west1 (also immutable) .  I back up serverX to the SOBR. 


I have VBR server B that has configured an AWS repository in eu-central1 (also immutable)


Can I copy the contents of the AWS bucket used by the SOBR between these regions (strictly in AWS, not using Veeam)  then import the copied object storage/jobs for serverX on VBR B and be able to restore from it?

I know about the backup verification tool, but that can't be used for object storage.  


  • Veeam Legend
  • December 6, 2023

Hi @euclids_bellybutton - disclaimer - I have not tried this process, so take this with a grain of salt. But...from Veeam’s User Guide, you can import data from AWS as noted here. Yes. As far as copying your backup data from 1 AWS bucket to another, I would assume can do this. Doing so is outside of Veeam, so the process should be found on AWS...I found this post and this one. Once copied, just import as instructed on how to do so via the User Guide.

If able, I always advise to test the process with non-prod/test data. Create a small 1 or 2 VM job backing up to a small AWS bucket. Copy it to the 2nd AWS bucket (create small one on your 2nd VBR server), then import that data onto your VBR server. At the very least, you should be able to reach out to Support for assistance to fill in any gaps I may have missed.

Hope this helps.

  • Veeam Vanguard
  • December 6, 2023

Agree on Shane. Not tested myself, but using the S3 browser ( ) , you’ll be able to copy the full contents of one bucket to another which then can be imported. Not tested on VBR, but tested multiple times with VB365 where we migrated a folder structure to separate buckets using this tool.
