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How to modify vCloud URL in Veeam


With the recent topic of how to change the IP/DNS Name of the vCenter recently posted I wanted to share for those with experience in SQL how you can modify the vCloud URL within Veeam.

This requires some SQL knowledge and that you shut down the Veeam services during the process.  The main query is as follows:

SELECT * FROM Hosts WHERE type=1 OR type=6 OR type=14;


Under the "options" column for the relevant row(s) we're going to see the reference(s) to the old cell hostname.


Then once you are ready follow these steps:

0) Veeam Configuration Backup
1) Stop Veeam Services
2) Backup VeeamBackup SQL DB
3) SELECT * FROM Hosts WHERE type=1 OR type=6 OR type=14;
4) Copy the "options" value
5) Modify the copied "options" column value to have the new VCD URL
6) Note the id column of the related row
7) Perform the update query on the objects that need the new URL:

UPDATE Hosts SET options='NEW_options_VALUE' WHERE id='ID_FROM_STEP_6';

8) Start Services
9) Open Console, and "next" through the properties of the updated VCD Cell object


The next time you view the properties of the vCloud in the Veeam Console it will now have the new URL.


Please ensure you are familiar with SQL queries and editing DBs prior to these steps.


Hope this will help everyone that is looking to possibly change the URL for VCD.

  • Influencer
  • April 27, 2021

Got it
