HI Everyone.
I seem always to be doing at least 2 IT courses at the same time. The reasons are many but I can enumerate a few: One I enjoy IT , Two I am worried about getting behind, Three I want to get ahead, Four I am addicted to getting the course completions certificates and certifications because it makes up for my years of goofing off in grade school and all but the last year of High School. Back then teachers were not very politically correct so I was called a moron, a pain in the a, imbecile, lazy, annoying and many other attributes which in today’s world would land the teacher in court
. This obviously inflicted me with deep impostor syndrome whenever I find myself sitting at a table with smart folks
So I am always doing courses. Now no one really pays you do do courses so you have to somehow fit them in with the boring stuff. i.e. work.
I have a few tricks but wanted to know if you had any as well. For one thing on most courses you can turn up the speed of the lecturer. Often there is simply too much talking anyways (look at me) so you are not going to miss much and you can always stop the playback to write something down or go back over it you did not understand something.
My second tip is I write tid bits of info into a text file, anything that sticks out or I find to be a key in understanding the knowledge. Our brains work in funny ways. One genius music composer said that he saw the notes as different colours and this helped him play and memorise tunes. I find one word can be the key to many big chunks of info lying behind them.
What tips and tricks do you have for being able to study IT effectively without getting fired from the day job? :)