Ok, there are several patch level of V11. The latest is V11a P20220302.
Did you see kb4142? There is a neccessary patch for Windows 2012 mentioned. The agent version mentioned in this article is not the latest, but perhaps give it a try.
@Kip_ke, kindly take a look at this guide: https://www.veeam.com/kb1059. All what have been suggested and many more possible solutions are available in the guide. Some of which are
Restart pending on the server due to applied windows update
Antivirus may be preventing the service from starting. See KB1999 etc
@Iams3le that KB is for VBR whereas this seems agent related, but the KB does link to KB4142 which is more relevant for agents. The error is the transport service not starting based on those screenshots too.
@Iams3le that KB is for VBR whereas this seems agent related, but the KB does link to KB4142 which is more relevant for agents. The error is the transport service not starting based on those screenshots too.
We need more info!
Ops! Thank you very much for pointing this out. I was focused more on the error code as possible suggestions mentioned could help him resolve it.
And he said that he has applied the patch suggested in KB4142 😀
So, we definitely need more information 😎
I agree with you😀! Good to know some of these have been suggested before. We need to hear from @Kip_ke on how he is resolving this generic Error 1920 code! This is very vital…